Any non-immune person ( who has not been vaccinated or previously recovered from the disease) can become infected. 但是任何未获得免疫的人(即未接种疫苗或未患过麻疹的人)均可被感染。
Urban yellow fever: Large epidemics occur when infected people introduce the virus into densely populated areas with a high number of non-immune people and Aedes mosquitoes. 城市型黄热病:如果受感染的人把病毒带入人口稠密的地区,而这些地区有很多人缺乏免疫力,并有伊蚊生存繁殖,就会发生大流行。
Non-immune travelers from malaria-free areas are very vulnerable to the disease when they get infected. 来自无疟疾地区的无免疫力旅客在感染后病情特别严重。
Results: infection and non-infection, immune and non-immune factors of patients have some impacts on platelets transfusion. 结果:感染与非感染、免疫与非免疫因素对血小板输注效果均有影响。
Non-immune genes can also be involved in disease resistance. 疾病抗性通常由非特异性免疫和特异性免疫控制。
An accumulation of non-immune individuals led to this outbreak. 非免疫个体的累积导致了此次麻疹暴发。
The immunologic diagnosis technology is divided into analysis of non-immune markers and analysis of non-immune markers. 免疫学诊断方法分为非标记免疫分析方法和标记免疫分析方法两大类。
A lectin is a sugar-binding protein or glycoprotein of non-immune origin that agglutinates cells or precipitates glycoconjugates. 凝集素是一类不同于免疫球蛋白的蛋白质或糖蛋白,能与糖专一地、非共价地可逆结合,并具有凝集细胞和沉淀聚糖或糖复合物的作用。
Results The positive rate of MAIPA in ITP was 63.3% but not detected in non-immune thrombocytopenia; 结果ITP组MAIPA的阳性率为63.3%,非免疫性血小板减少组为阴性;
Antitumor iRNA preparation consists of 4 kinds of RNA molecules at least. It is different from non-immune treated RNA preparation in its constituents, contents and structural properties. On the other hand, its conformation is not the highest in the helical degree. 抗肿瘤iRNA制剂是至少由4种RNA分子组成的,与未免疫处理的相应RNA制剂在组成含量及结构性质上均不同,且其构象不是螺旋度最高的。
Further demonstration of mechanism of non-immune renal disease could provide new way for the efficient treatment to such disease. 进一步阐明非免疫性肾病的发病机制为寻找该病的有效治疗提供新的思路。
Parvovirus B19 and non-immune fetal hydrops 细小病毒B19与胎儿水肿
No matter immune factors or non-immune factors, the baas reason why they lead to CAN is glomerular number relative or utterly insufficiency, and non-immune factors play a more important role than immune factors do in the mechanism of CAN. 而无论是免疫因素或非免疫因素这两种途径引起的最终结果都是移植肾肾小球数量的相对或绝对不足,其中非免疫因素在相当一部分CAN的发生中起了重要的作用。
Objective To compare specific autoantibodies against platelet glycoprotein ( GP), platelet-associated IgG ( PAIgG) and lymphocyte subpopulations in the patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ( ITP) and non-immune thrombocytopenia. 目的比较抗血小板特异性抗体、PAIgG及淋巴细胞亚群在特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)及非免疫性血小板减少症中的水平,以评价其在ITP中的诊断价值。
Rapid-onset type 1 diabetes may be a group of syndromes with different etiology which immune and non-immune factors may both involved in. 急骤起病伴胰酶增高的1型糖尿病是一组临床综合征,有自身免疫和非自身免疫两类病因;
Histopathology observation on non-immune organs in chickens with infectious bursal disease 鸡传染性法氏囊病非免疫器官病理组织学观察
The characteristics of hematopoiesis recovery in SLE and non-immune disease were similar. SLE患者与非自身免疫性疾病患者同样方法冻存造血干细胞,移植后造血恢复特征相似。
Study on the direct MAIPA technique in the differential diagnosis of immune and non-immune thrombocytopenia 直接MAIPA对免疫性和非免疫性血小板减少性紫癜的鉴别诊断
Mediators from both immnue and non-immune cells play important roles in glomerular disease processes. 免疫细胞及非免疫细胞所产生的介质在肾小球疾病的进程中扮演重要的角色。
Sodium alginate has biocompatibility, non-toxic, non-immune and biodegradability, making it become one of the candidates in medical fields. 海藻酸钠具有生物相容性、无毒性、非免疫性及可生物降解性,使得它成为医学领域的候选人之一。
A lot of immunity and non-immune factors may finally cause the changes mentioned above. 许多免疫和非免疫因素都可以导致CAN。
The carrier rate in healthy people with the history of meningitis vaccine was significantly lower than that of non-immune population. 有流脑疫苗免疫史的健康人群带菌率显著低于无免疫史人群。
In clinical applications, match usage of this two methods can further distinguish natural infection of AIV, inactivated vaccine immuned and the healthy non-immune flocks. It provided a feasible serodiagnosis method for flocks purification. 临床应用中,两种方法配合使用可以进一步区分禽流感自然感染、灭活苗免疫和健康非免疫禽群,为净化禽群提供了一种切实可行的血清学诊断方法。
Human immune and certain non-immune cells can synthesize and secrete some small molecular cytokines, which modulate the biological functions of many kinds of cells. 机体的免疫细胞和非免疫细胞能合成和分泌小分子多肽类细胞因子,它们调节多种细胞的生理功能。
IL-22 functions by promoting the anti-microbial defense, protecting against damage, and re-organizing non-immune tissues. IL-22的生物学功能包括提高机体抵抗微生物入侵、保护组织抵御损伤以及修复非免疫系统组织等。
M1 indirect-blocking ELISA could provide an effective quantitative basis for antibody levels of poultry immune serum. And also provided a rapid and reliable laboratory detection methods to judge whether the non-immune breeding and wild poultry has been infected by AIV. 其中M1间接阻断ELISA可以为免疫家禽血清中生成抗体水平的检测提供有效的定量依据,更可以为判断非免疫养殖禽类、野生禽类是否感染禽流感病毒提供了快速可靠的实验室检测方法。