Mathematical analyses of the model equations with regard to invariance of non-negativity, nature of equilibria and global stability are analyzed. 利用负散度和不可约合作(竞争)系统的单调性质,分别研究二维和三维合作(竞争)系统的全局渐近稳定性。
A novel iterative algorithm, least-squares with non-negativity constraints ( LSNC), was developed for reconstructing chemical concentration distributions using the OP-FTIR system. 发展了经典迭代算法&约束非负线性最小二乘法(LSNC),在OP-FTIR/CT重构体系中的应用。
Non-negative matrix factorization ( NMF) has been proposed for multivariate data analysis, with non-negativity constraints. 非负矩阵因子分解(non-negativeMatrixFactorization,NMF)是对非负数据处理的一种多元统计分析方法。
Model free methods, which based on general assumptions such as non-negativity of spectra and concentration profiles, show advantageous to this reaction. 软模型法由于其不是基于反应模型,而是建立在一些更加普遍的假设条件之上,如光谱和浓度的非负性等,因此更适合于机理复杂的反应动力学过程。
In many blind image restoration algorithms, non-negativity and support constraints recursive inverse filtering ( NAS-RIF) have better effects, but the restoration result is badly worsen and the application is minimized because of the noise amplification. 在诸多的盲恢复算法中,非负有限支撑限制递归法(NAS-RIF)可以取得较好的恢复效果,但其对高频噪声的放大严重地影响了恢复效果和具体应用范围。
The second-order version ensuring the non-negativity of water height is also proved, which allows one to deal with the problems including dry zones. 且已证明所给的二阶精度的求解格式保持水深的非负性,这一特性使其能够较好的处理干河床问题。
The non-negativity constraints lead to sparse, parts-based representations which can be more robust than non-sparse, global features. 而非负的这个限制导致了稀疏、基于局部的表达,这比稠密、全局的特征鲁棒性更好。
The non-negativity and boundedness of the solutions were studied, the parameter conditions for nine equilibria and their stabilities was studied. 本文研究了该系统解的非负性、有界性。出现九个平衡点的参数条件,分析了平衡点的稳定性。
First of all, we transform the Euclidean distance model into a sequence of least squares problems, from the non-negativity constrained least squares 'KKT conditions we have a linear complementarity problem ( LCP), and then a new algorithm for NMF based on LCP is proposed. 首先我们把欧氏距离模型转化为序列非负最小二乘问题,然后根据非负最小二乘问题的KKT条件转化为线性互补问题,基于线性互补问题我们提出了一种NMF算法。
We express the non-negativity constraints using a wide class of loss ( cost) functions, which leads to an extended class of multiplicative algorithms with regularization. 其中非负性限制可以通过使用一类广泛的损失(代价)函数获得非常有效的解决问题的算法。这类方法被称为非负矩阵分解(NMF)。
And the natural data non-negativity is also preserved. 同时,原始数据的非负特性也被保留。