The study found that each infant's musical response methods were different, but there were three major groupings apparent: the auditory type, kinesthetic type and non-participating type. 经由研究结论,本研究发现:每位婴儿之音乐律动表现方式皆不同,其反应方式可分为「聆赏」型、「舞动」型、「无反应」三种。
The Secretary Office shall distribute the RR without delay to all participating companies, and at the same time, actively publicize the RR to non-participating companies. 事务部应及时向各参与公司发布rr,同时,也积极向参与公司以外的公司发布。
Also try to stimulate response from non-participating members by specifically directing questions starting from closed and slowly moving towards open questions. 要鼓励缺乏积极性的与会者参与讨论,先直接向他们提一些封闭性问题,然后逐渐转为开放性问题。
In the absence of a coordinated and effective international framework, all too often non-participating countries offer criminals safe havens for laundering funds. 如果没有协调有效的国际合作,那些不参与合作的国家往往给罪犯提供发行假币的安全场所。
Since Wiccan worship is fairly active by its nature, non-participating observers are rarely invited to Wiccan rituals. 由于巫术崇拜者的崇拜靠自己的天性相当活跃,巫术崇拜者仪式很少邀请旁观者。