V displays non-printing characters, except line-feed and tab using their "control sequence" equivalents. v显示非打印字符,除了换行符和制表符,它们使用各自效果相当的“控制序列”。
Light basis weight color decorative paper is a kind of non-printing decorative paper, the quality of the processed color decrativepaper depend on the performance of the base paper. 低定量彩色装饰纸是一种非印刷的装饰纸,其原纸的性能决定了彩色装饰纸后加工的质量。
Intaglio printing: A general term for all such printing methods using plates in which the printing areas are below the non-printing surface. (印刷)表示活字宽度的大凹版印刷:通指用印纹低于非印纹表面的印版施印的印刷方法。
To hide non-printing gridlines, click Hide Gridlines on the Table menu 单击表格菜单中的隐藏虚框命令可隐藏无法打印不的虚框
The surface is covered with ink by rolling over the surface with an ink-covered roller ( brayer), leaving ink upon the flat surface but not in the non-printing areas. 表面的轧制离开平坦的表面,但不是在非打印区域的墨水用油墨覆盖的滚子(稿样),表面上满是油墨。
Cylinder gap: The non-printing portion of the peripheral surface of a printing cylinder where lock-up device is installed. cymbals that are operated by foot. 圆筒凹槽:印刷机圆筒上的空档部份。它设有各种锁紧装置。由音步操作的圆盘式张力装置。
Calculating machine [ manually or electrically-operated, printing or non-printing ( excl. automatic data processing machines)] 手动或电动计算器[不论是否打印(自动数据处理器除外)]
The recesses are filled with ink and surplus ink is cleaned off the non-printing surface before the paper is pressed against it to lift the ink from the recesses on to the paper. 用墨充满凹入的印纹,清除非印纹上的多馀油墨,然后压上纸张,把油墨从凹入的印纹内抽出。
The paper reinterprets the parameters of Neugebauer equation which can be used only for printing dot image originally and makes it be for non-printing dot image. 首先重新解释Neugebauer方程的参数含意,使原本只适用于印刷网点图像的Neugebauer方程也适用于非印刷网点图像。
This paper introduces the writer's successful experience from her practical work as well as the system design and development of the non-printing resources based on Internet. 本文介绍了作者在实际工作中获得的成功经验,并详细介绍了一个基于Internet的非纸介质文献资源管理系统的设计、开发。
With the increase of the non-printing document resources, it is an important subject that how to reserve and sort out many kinds of document resources and how to recommend and spread those to the readers. 随着非纸介质文献资源的大量增加,如何对这些庞杂、形态各异的文献资源典藏、加工,如何向读者充分揭示、宣传这类文献资源,成为图书馆的一个重要课题。
It can be divided into printing media advertisement and non-printing media advertisement according to advertisement carrier. 明代书业广告形式多样,根据广告载体划分,可分为印刷媒介广告和非印刷媒介广告。