Package buying instruments are financial services activities held by commercial banks to exporters, and guar-anteed by banks of debt certificate of non-recourse buying. 包买票据是商业银行对出口商持有,并经银行担保的债权凭证无追索权购买的金融服务活动。
In a European version, cheap, non-recourse loans would encourage investors to buy Italian or Spanish bonds and bring down yields. 这套东西应用到欧洲,便宜的无追索权贷款将会鼓励投资者购买意大利和西班牙的债券,并降低收益率。
KKR Financial also noted that it had arranged additional financing for a rainy day – including almost$ 2bn in non-recourse credit lines and a$ 340m secured credit facility. KKRFinancial还表示,自己另有未雨绸缪的融资安排&其中包括近20亿美元的无追索权信贷额度和3.4亿美元的担保信贷安排。
HSBC has today reiterated its intention to stand behind bondholders in Household, even though its debts are non-recourse to the group. 汇丰银行昨日重申,它打算对Household的债券持有人负起责任,虽然这些债务对汇丰集团没有追索权。
How to manage debtor risks if it is a non-recourse factoring facility? 在没有保理追索权的情况下如何管理债务人风险?
Soft loans and non-recourse finance packages are available in certain circumstances. 软贷款和无追索权财务包在特定情况下可用。
Along comes the government and says it will finance 90 per cent of the investor's purchase and, moreover, do so as a non-recourse loan. 此时政府出面了,表示将为投资者购买问题资产提供90%的融资,而且将以无追索权贷款的方式提供这笔融资。
Many were non-recourse loans to provinces, municipalities and counties through shell companies, known as Urban Development Investment Corporations ( UDICs). 其中许多是通过空壳公司被称为城市发展投资公司(UDIC,简称城投)发放至各省、市、县的无追索权贷款。
Through the principles comparison among various countries, I think the international factoring operative system in Germany is more valuable for our country-the standard factoring is non-recourse factoring, which will provide a more effective environment for the factoring development in our country without ambiguity. 通过对各国国际保理机制的比较分析,笔者认为我国的国际保理机制应参考德国,将无追索权的保理确定为标准保理,这样不会产生歧义且有利于保理的发展。
Forfeiting, as a kind of foreign trade finance, provides non-recourse finance, without engrossing the enterprise credit. It is more and more widely used and welcomed by the Chinese enterprises. 福费廷作为一款出口贸易融资产品,因其不占用企业信用额度,由融资银行无追索权地买断债权的突出特点,越来越广泛的被中国企业所接受和欢迎。