Non-specificity of Tumor Location and Relapse in Breast Cancer Metastasis-Related Analysis 非特殊性乳腺癌肿瘤位置与复发转移相关性分析
CONCLUSION Diagnosis of isolated sphenoid sinus inflammatory disease at its early stages is difficult to ascertain because of the non-specificity of its symptoms. 结论孤立性蝶窦炎症性疾病症状无特异性,不易及时确诊;
Comparation between spirochaeta pallida antibody specificity and non-specificity test 梅毒螺旋体抗体特异性与非特异性试验的评价
Proglumide, as a non-specificity CCK receptor antagonist, can offset the protective effect of CCK-8 on islet cells in some degree. 非特异性胆囊收缩素受体拮抗剂可以在一定程度上逆转八肽胆囊收缩素的保护作用;
Efficacy of the Medication to Acute Non-specificity Epididymitis and Etiopathogenisis of the Recurrence The effect of moving cupping therapy on nonspecific low back pain 药物治疗急性非特异性附睾炎的效果与复发原因走罐对非特异性下腰痛疗效的观察
Methods: 179 cases of acute non-specificity epididymitis patients treated by regular medication were followed up and 40 samples which were gained from the removed epididymis were cultured and tested. 方法:对179例经正规药物治疗的急性非特异性附睾炎患者(药物组)进行疗效观察,并对40例经药物治疗后行附睾切除术的附睾标本(手术组)进行细菌培养及药敏试验。
ResultsClinical manifestation was non-specificity, They can be abdominal pain, abdominal distention, jaundice, bowel obstruction or bleeding. 临床表现无特异性,可有腹痛、腹胀、黄疸、呕吐以及上消化道出血等表现。
Immunopotentiating agent is a kind of immunological adjuvant that can improve the special reaction of body to antigens or microbes by the non-specificity channel. 免疫增强剂也称免疫佐剂,是一类通过非特异性途径提高机体对抗原或微生物特异性反应的物质。
Objective: To study the prognosis of the medication to acute non-specificity epididymitis and etiopathogenisis of the recurrence. 目的:探讨药物治疗急性非特异性附睾炎的效果及复发的原因。
Results Non-specificity abnormality rate of AEEG was 23.9%, and the epileptiform discharges was 9.7%. 结果脑电图非特异性异常率为23.9%,痫样放电检出率为9.7%。
Plant induced resistance interests us due to its non-specificity and wide-spectrum against to pathogens. 由于植物可诱导抗病性是一种非特异的广谱抗病性形式,因而倍受关注。
In general, the data measured is usually endowed with various types of uncertainties, such as randomness, non-specificity and fuzziness. 一般来说,作为辨识使用的数据都通常含有不同形式的不确定性,例如随机性,非特异性及模糊性。
Previously, CRP has been widely applied in infections, auto-immune diseases and tumor. It is a non-specificity designated object of inflammation or tissue damage, and is acute phase reaction protein ( APRP). CRP是炎症或组织损伤时的非特异性标志物,是急性时相反应蛋白,既往在感染、自身免疫性疾病、肿瘤方面应用较多。
However, the bottleneck problems, especially the aspect of non-specificity, hinder the further application of PCR. Thus it is urgent to find methods to solve the issues. 但是PCR技术遇到的瓶颈问题影响其进一步的应用,例如特异性问题,因此亟待寻找解决这些问题的方法。
Thus, searching high efficiency, low toxicity anti-microbial agents becomes imminent. Due to the non-specificity and efficiency of Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, it is concerned by making pathogen hard to have a drug resistance. 寻求广谱、高效、低毒的抗微生物药物迫在眉睫。光动力抗菌化学治疗由于其非特异性和高效性而使病原菌很难产生耐药性而受到关注。
Clinical CT contrast agents ( e.g., Omnipaque), which are based on iodine-containing small molecules, have several drawbacks, such as short circulation times, renal toxicity, and non-specificity, limiting their applications. 但是,目前临床上普遍采用的基于有机小分子碘的造影剂(如碘海醇)具有一些缺点,如循环时间短、具有肾脏毒性、无特异性等,限制了它的应用。