Studies and Discussion on Techniques for Trees Transplanting in Non-Suit Season 非适宜季节树木移植的技术研究与探讨
The article put forward the affinity between court that has compellent power and international commercial arbitration directly because arbitration that can settle dispute by non-suit is playing important role. 鉴于仲裁这一非诉讼解决争议的方式在国际商事活动中扮演着日益重要的角色已成为众所周知的事实,论文开门见山即提出法院这一具强制性的国家机关与国际商事仲裁密切且特殊的关系。
Chinese traditional law culture, of which the thoughts of pan-moralism, society priority, power ascendancy and non-suit are flowed, also not has the ability to construct the Chinese rule of law. 中国传统法律文化由于其倡行泛道德主义、社会本位、权力本位、无讼主义等观念,也不能担当中国法治建构重任。
Therefore, one of the preconditions for effective judicial intervention into the corporate governance is insertion of procedures for non-suit disputes. 所以,司法介入公司治理的有效条件之一是增加针对非诉纠纷的程序。