The application is simple enough to be clearly illustrative, yet complex enough to provide non-trivial optimization opportunities. 程序已经足够简单以方便演示,然后又足够的复杂以提供非琐细的优化机会。
The JFace API wraps the standard ( non-trivial) widget, such as table and tree, and implements the structured content providers and label providers. JFaceAPI包装了标准(并非不重要的)部件,例如表和树,并实现了结构化内容提供者和标签提供者。
GSS-API plug-ins are more complex, and a good understanding of the non-trivial GSS-API concept is required. GSS-API插件比较复杂,您需要很好地理解重要的GSS-API概念。
It can be used in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement to select only the rows that return non-trivial XML values for the XPath expression. 可以在SQL语句的WHERE子句中使用它只选择那些对于XPath表达式返回非空XML值的行。
Now let's look at the non-trivial scenario that you will develop and deploy in this powerful environment. 现在,我们来考虑一个比较复杂的场景,我们将在这个强大的环境中开发和部署这个场景。
Approval use cases can be supplemented with business use-case specifications if they are non-trivial. 请求批准用例可以用业务用例规格来补充,如果它们不是琐细的话。
It takes you step-by-step through the development of a non-trivial "favorites" plug-in that is similar to a "bookmarks" view and that incorporates most of the technology discussed in the book. 它逐步地带您开发了一个非平凡的“受人喜爱的”插件,该插件类似于一个“书签”视图并且混合了书中讨论的大部分技术。
The first method requires the program to check for error conditions after every non-trivial action. 第一种方法要求程序在在进行每一个重大操作之后,检查错误。
Development of the converter was a non-trivial task that took about twenty days of work. 转换器的开发是一项非凡的任务,它大约花费了二十天的时间。
Similarly if you wanted to move from Apache SOAP to a different SOAP implementation, the process would be non-trivial. 类似的,如果您想从ApacheSOAP移到一个不同的SOAP实现,这个过程并非无关紧要。
There are many implementation details that make finding sessions and their values non-trivial. 还有许多实现细节使得发现会话及其值并不容易。
Providing viable career paths for IT professionals is a non-trivial investment. 向IT专业人员提供可行的事业道路是不小的投资。
Virtually all non-trivial problems require you to filter good data from bad. 几乎所有重要问题都需要从无用数据中过滤出有用数据。
The article provides valuable insight into RIFE's continuations implementation as well as some of the challenges in clustering a non-trivial application like RIFE. 这篇文章提供了RIFEContinuations实现的颇有价值的深入见解和集群RIFE这样一个不凡应用框架遇到的挑战。
With the aid of eigenvalue, the P-stability of some non-trivial solutions of the mathematical model is achieved. 借助特征值法,研究相应弹性变形非平凡解的P-稳定性。
This is a non-trivial problem. 这是一个值得正视的问题。
But given the present set of policies in the eurozone and the US, there is a non-trivial and not too distant tail risk of such a calamitous event. 但考虑到欧元区和美国的现行政策,目前存在发生此类灾难事件的明显后续风险,它离我们也并不遥远。
That API can be non-trivial, taking into account the various messaging paradigms, replicated state, etc. 该API功能强大,考虑了各种消息传递范式,复制状态等等。
One could only imagine the noise a non-trivial application would generate. 人们无法想象一个微不足道的应用程序能生成这么多的异常。
The simplest non-trivial groups are those of order 2. 最简单的非平凡群是一些二阶的群。
The global existence-uniqueness of solutions is obtained and the easy verifiable sufficient conditions for local asymptotic stability of a non-trivial steady-state solutions are given. 获得了解的整体存在惟一性,并给出了非平凡平衡解局部渐近稳定性易验证的充分条件。
The non-existence of non-trivial solutions of a class of Semilinear Elliptic Systems 一类半线性椭圆方程组非平凡解的不存在性
For this reason, using a direct file check is not recommended for any non-trivial applications. 基于上述原因,对于重要的应用程序不提倡使用直接文件检查来更新。
Any non-trivial application will generate substantial logging and tracing information for business purposes and debugging purposes. 出于商业目的和调试目的,任何有价值的应用程序都将生成丰富的日志和跟踪信息。
Our research into the "equity risk premium" suggests that markets may be assigning a non-trivial probability to a "disaster scenario" for GDP as a result of "Euro tail risk". 我们对“股票风险溢价”的研究似乎表明,由于“欧元尾部风险”,市场可能正给gdp“灾难情形”赋予并非微不足道的几率。
Function execution context correctness is one of the most easily violated critical properties by OS ( operation system) kernel programs while it is non-trivial to be checked out. 函数执行上下文正确性是操作系统内核程序最容易违反且难以检查的正确性性质。
Moving to agile for the entire organization is a non-trivial problem. 对于一个组织而言,转而运用敏捷不是一个简单的问题。
But with a6000+ page spec, finding the exact nodes one needs to manipulate is a non-trivial task. 但其规范6000多页,找出需要操作的确切节点并不是很容易的事情。
Now I still think it is small, but non-trivial. 现在我仍然认为这种风险很小,但并非微不足道。
In six months, you change it in non-trivial ways, and all is good. 六个月后,你也用不平凡的方式进行了变更,一切还是大大的好。