Using a series of sensitive PCR methods to discriminate one species from non-tuberculous mycobacteria ( NTM). 另外,还利用一系列敏感的基于PCR的技术从分枝杆菌杆菌复合体(NTM)中对菌型进行鉴别。
Conclusions Ultrasound is an important supplemental diagnosis in distinguishing the non-tuberculous and tuberculous epididymitis. 结论超声检查可作为结核性附睾炎症的重要辅助诊断和鉴别诊断方法。
Result: Tuberculosis group's pleural effusion ADA activity and the positive rate was significantly higher than non-tuberculous group. The difference was significant ( P < 0.01). 结果:结核组胸腔积液ADA活性和阳性率,明显高于非结核组,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。
Method: 80 cases of patients with tuberculous pleurisy as tuberculosis group, 80 cases of non-tuberculous patients as a non-tuberculous group, compared two groups of patients with Pleural effusion ADA activity and the positive rate. 方法:选择80例结核性胸膜炎患者作为结核组,选择80例非结核性胸膜炎患者作为非结核组,比较二组病人胸腔积液ADA活性及阳性率测定结果。
The ultrasound differential diagnosis of the tuberculous and non-tuberculous epididymitis 结核性附睾炎的超声诊断与鉴别诊断
Analysis on 11 non-tuberculous mycobacterium infection of hand in littoral area 沿海地区11例手部分枝杆菌感染分析
Conclusion: The new assay showed wide linearity, good recovery and stable colouration and is a specific indication for distinguishing tuberculous effusions from non-tuberculous effusions. 结论:本法线性范围宽,呈色稳定,重复性好,是结核性与非结核性胸腹水鉴别的特异指标。
Objective To summarize the experience of treatment on wound infection by non-tuberculous Mycobacterium ( NTM) after operations. 目的总结术后伤口龟分枝杆菌感染的治疗经验。
Objective To detect interferon-γ level in tuberculous and non-tuberculous inflammatory and malignant pleural effusions, and explore its role for differentiation of diagnosis. 目的检测结核性、非结核炎性及恶性胸腔积液中γ干扰素的水平,探讨结核性与非结核性及恶性胸腔积液的γ干扰素水平在鉴别诊断中的意义。
Non-tuberculous mycobacterium ( NTM) is one of the major pathogens, which results in infectious keratitis after LASIK. M.chelonae and M.fortuitum are the most common species. 非结核分枝杆菌(NTM)是导致术后感染性角膜炎的主要病原微生物之一,其中以龟分枝杆菌及偶发分枝杆菌最常见。
Progress in the non-tuberculous mycobacteria diseases 非结核分枝杆菌病的治疗研究进展