It has a strong catalytic activity in non-water-soluble and water-soluble systems. CALB shows greater superiority than other lipases in a variety of reactions because of its stability and specificity. 它对于非水溶性和水溶性物质都有很强的催化活力,并且具有良好的稳定性,在转酯等反应中显示出优于其他脂肪酶的性质。
In our country it is very lack of potassium mineral resources, so the rational use of non-water-soluble potassium mineral resources especially the potash feldspar has a very important economic significance. 在我国这样一个钾资源非常缺乏的国家,能够合理利用以钾长石为主的非水溶性钾矿资源,具有非常重要的经济意义。