That's an example of a nonaggressive timer. 这是一种非主动计时器。
Acting with compassion can also mean being patient and responding in a nonaggressive way, even when you are being provoked. 恻隐的默示也可意味着耐心的,乃至当你被搬弄的时辰,你以一种不被加害的方法回应。
Brightly colored venomous but nonaggressive snake of southeastern Asia and Malay peninsula. 产于东南亚和马来西亚半岛的色彩鲜艳的有毒但不好斗的蛇。
Overexpression of MAGL in nonaggressive cancer cells recapitulates this fatty acid network and increases their pathogenicity phenotypes that are reversed by an MAGL inhibitor. 在非侵袭性癌细胞中过表达MAGL重现这一脂肪酸网络,并增加其被MAGL抑制剂逆转的致病性。
Family of brightly colored voracious eels of warm coastal waters; generally nonaggressive to humans but larger species are dangerous if provoked. 生活于温暖海岸的鲜艳海鳝鱼;一般对人没有攻击性,但若被激怒较大的海鳝也会有危险。
Conclusion: 1. About children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura ancient literature, nonaggressive mostly muscle bleed at the nose, rash, grapes infected, spot poison, purpura wind there. 2. 结论:1.有关紫癜古籍文献中病名多以肌衄,斑疹,葡萄疫,斑毒,紫癜风出现。
In Chinese literature, although no peer nonaggressive, but according to its etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations, UC Modern physicians usually comes down to "diarrhea" or "diarrhea" in the category. 在中医文献中虽无对等的病名,但根据其病因、病机以及临床表现,现代医家通常把UC归结到痢疾或者是泄泻的范畴中。