The new provisional regulations for tax on farmland used for nonagricultural purposes and detailed rules for their implementation were instituted. 执行新的耕地占用税暂行条例及其实施细则。
We will strengthen county economies, improve infrastructure and environmental protection in county towns and hub towns, guide an orderly fiow of nonagricultural industries and rural people to small towns, and encourage returned rural migrant workers to start businesses in their hometowns. 壮大县域经济,大力加强县城和中心镇基础设施和环境建设,引导非农产业和农村人口有序向小城镇集聚,鼓励返乡农民工就地创业。
Relocation of Labor Forces, Industrialization and Rural Economy; In the rural economic structure, priority has been shifted from agriculture to the coordinated development of agriculture and nonagricultural sectors. 农业部门劳动力再配置、农村非农化与中国农村经济增长农村经济结构由以农业为主转变为农业与非农产业协调发展。
Land Market Development and the Farmland Conversion for Nonagricultural Use: Assessment and Calculation Based on Inter-provincial Panel Data 土地市场发育与农地非农化&基于省际面板数据的估计与测算
In the rural economic structure, priority has been shifted from agriculture to the coordinated development of agriculture and nonagricultural sectors. 非自主住院非自主住院农村经济结构由以农业为主转变为农业与非农产业协调发展。
Study on Long-term Dynamic Equilibrium of Rural Collective-owned Nonagricultural Construction Land Market in China 中国农村集体非农建设用地市场长期动态均衡分析
The different fixed costs and yields of migration and nonagricultural production determine their different relationships with the extent of tax and fee reduction. 农民外出务工和从事非农业生产与税费减免幅度之间的不同关系是由两者具有不同的投资门槛和投资回报率决定的。
Strictly protect the basic farmland and control the occupation of agricultural land for nonagricultural purposes. (一)严格保护基本农田,控制非农业建设占用农用地;
Change in total non-farm payroll employment-the number of payroll jobs added or lost between monthly surveys in the nonagricultural economy. 非农业部门就业人口数的变化:指的是非农业经济领域每月就业人口的增加或者减少的数字。
The causes leading to such situation are various, but huge discrepancy of labor productivity between agricultural and nonagricultural department, agricultural investment policy of the country are two main factors. 这种现状产生的原因是多方面的,但农业和非农业部门劳动生产率水平的巨大差异和国家的农业投资政策是不容忽视的两个因素。
The theoretical and positive analysis also states that expanding the urban nonagricultural sector to develop its gathering effect is a premise that carries out the dual evolution of industrialization and urbanization in China; 理论与实证分析还表明,扩展城市(镇)非农部门、发挥其集聚效应是实现我国工业化与城市化双重演进的前提条件。
Nowadays, under the situation of nonagricultural transfer and spillover of rural male labor force, it is more and more important for women in Gansu to play the role of agricultural production and rural community development. 现阶段,在非农转移与农村男性劳动力外流的形势下,甘肃省农村妇女在农业生产活动,乃至农村社区发展上所扮演的角色与地位,显得越发重要。
The Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between the Industrial Agglomeration and the Employment of Nonagricultural Sectors in China Chapter seven summarizes the main conclusions and proposes what we must pay attention to in the course of industrial agglomeration and unbalanced development. 我国工业集聚与非农产业就业关系的实证研究第一章工业集聚相关研究的述评。
Rural urbanization in China is mainly characterized by labor migration from agriculture to nonagricultural industries, nonagricultural industries and population agglomerated in township, as well as the changes in productive mode and living mode of township, which gradually trend to urban mode. 中国乡村城市化以农业劳动力就地向非农产业转移,非农产业与非农人口镇(乡)集聚,乡村生产方式和生活方式向城市式发展为主要特征。
According to the analyses of model, the main reasons for the cultivated land decreasing lie in the increase of population, the development of urbanizing and nonagricultural industry, etc. 从计量模型分析的结果来看,耕地减少的主要原因在于农村人口的增加、城市化水平的提高,以及非农产业的不断发展。
The rural nonagriculturalizition is the proceed of nonagricultural sectors and its development and strength. 乡村非农化即乡村地域非农产业与活动逐步发展壮大之过程。
We analyzed the formative factors of peasants 'income increasing, which including economic growth, agriculture growth, price fluctuation, public spend of government, tax system changes in countryside, nonagricultural employment changes. 从经济增长、农业增长、价格变动、政府公共投入、农村税费体制变革、农村劳动力非农就业变化六个方面就农民收入增长问题进行分析。
Whether the rural industrialization, urbanization or nonagricultural development, or improvement of the people's qualities, which must be fundamentally reduced to the human being, that is, fostering modern persons is the kernel elements of the rural modernization. 无论是农村工业化、城镇化,还是非农产业的发展、人口素质的提高,归根结底,都要还原到人的层面上来,即培养现代化的人成为农村现代化的核心要素。
The research result proves that the shift of rural labor to nonagricultural sectors has made better use of rural labor resources possible and therefore plays a positive role in the growth of the national economy in China. 研究结果证明,农村劳动力向非农业的转移提高了农村劳动力资源的利用效率,对国民经济增长具有积极作用;
The results showed that peasantry average house area, the first industry GDP, nonagricultural population and highway mileage are the four main factors of reducing cultivated land in Tai'an. 利用主成分分析法,得出泰安市耕地减少的四大驱动因子:农民人均住房面积、第一产业GDP、非农业人口和公路里程。
Studies on Nonagricultural Employment of Rural Labor in China 我国农村劳动力非农就业问题研究
The ratio is about 2/ 3. Nonagricultural employment opportunities in countryside are mainly provided by township enterprises in coastal areas. 农村非农就业机会主要由沿海地区乡镇企业提供。
And that to rural economy is in direct proportion to the growth rate of labor productivity resulted from farm machinery, the ratio of nonagricultural output value to rural GDP, the number of labors engaging in agriculture. 农业机械化在某一时期对农村经济的贡献与由它产生的劳动生产率增长率成正比,与非农产业产值占农村社会总产值的比重成正比,与初期从事农业的劳动力数量成正比。
During the 30 years since 1978, the rural labor force in china massively and directly initiated to the city and nonagricultural domain. This shift carried out a far-reaching change in both Economic structure and social structure. 1978年改革开放以来的30年间,我国农村劳动力出现大规模、持续向城市和非农业领域转移的现象和趋势,直接引发了一场经济结构和社会结构的深远变革。
There is a significant positive relationship between growth in the agricultural sector and growth in the nonagricultural sector. 农业和非农业部门的发展存在重要的正向联系。
Deduction 1, farmers 'investing behavior does not totally depend on the income they get from agriculture or nonagricultural industries. His advantage, investment preference and past experiences may also affect their investment decision. 推理1.农户的投资行为并不完全取决于他从农业或非农产业获得收入水平的高低,他的优势能力、投资偏好和过去的经验等对农户的投资行为也产生一定的影响。
This research is a field study about a village locates in the middle of Shandong Province. In the research, the village is called village H. Village H is distant from cities and short of natural resources, however, it turns to be a nonagricultural village. 本研究是以山东省中部一个远离城市、缺乏资源优势而实现了非农化的村庄H村为个案的实地研究。
Nonagricultural trend of rural credit cooperatives is worsening. The role of policy-oriented banks is minimal. China Postal Savings has accelerated the loss of rural capital. The development of agricultural insurance is seriously lagging behind. 商业银行收缩在农村的业务;农村信用社非农化趋势日益加剧;政策性银行作用微乎其微;邮政储蓄加速了农村资金的流失;农业保险发展严重滞后。
Only engaged in non-agricultural, from nonagricultural income than engaged in agricultural production and income, it will be possible to let family on the way of getting rich. 只有事非农业,来自非农业的收入要高于从事农业生产的收入,才有可能让家庭走上致富的道路。