Variable Frequency Adjusting Speed Circuit Design for Spindle Motor of EDG Nonconducting Superabrasives 非导电超硬材料电火花磨削主轴电机变频调速电路的设计
Safety Needs All Webs ′ Watch THE MESH The Monitoring for Nonconducting Between Electric Fence and Grand 安全需要全网监控
The equipment may measure conducting or nonconducting surface roughness of a body with accuracy of nanometer level. 它可以测量导体或非导体表面纳米级精确度的粗糙度。
The development of compound ECM/ EDM pulse generator of machining nonconducting superabrasives 非导电超硬材料电解电火花复合加工脉冲电源的研制
In this study, with the combination of electrochemistry and heterogeneous catalysis in the bipolar packed bed cell, the electric nonconducting particle was replaced by catalyst and heterogeneous catalytic reactions occurred in an electrochemical reactor. 本文将电化学与多相催化有机结合起来,以复极固定床电解槽(BPBC)为反应器,用负载金属氧化物的多相催化剂取代传统反应器的绝缘填料,构建了多相催化电解耦合体系。