In order to avoid nonfeasance or immoral conducts of the independent director, definite stipulation should be made on the liabilities he should assume and on the legal consequences. 为了避免独立董事的失职或者一些不道德行为,我们应当明确他应当承担的法律责任以及相关的法律后果。
A Positive Role of Incentive Mechanism in Suppressing Professional Nonfeasance of University Librarians 激励机制对抑制高校图书馆员职业懈怠的积极作用
If you think labor bureau encroachs your appeal to counterpoise with the form of nonfeasance you are OK to its administration of upper body application is reconsidered, perhaps mention lawsuit of politics of start on a journey to the court directly. 假如你认为劳动局以不作为的形式侵犯你的申诉权你可以向其上级机关申请行政复议,或者直接向法院提起行政诉讼。
As a specific kind of actions, the relationship between nonfeasance and feasance is opposite as well as combinative, or opposite and combinative. 不作为是行为的一种特殊方式,与作为具有一种相反同时又是结合与竞合关系。
"No Perturbation and Nonfeasance as well as Jactitation"& Building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 不动摇、不懈怠、不折腾&建设中国特色社会主义
Losses which become deteriorated due to the negligence of notice or nonfeasance of remedies shall be compensated by the defaulting Party. 一方未尽通知义务或未采取措施避免、减少损失的,应就扩大的损失承担相应的赔偿责任。
Legality of feasance duty in pseudo crime of nonfeasance 论不真正不作为犯作为义务的法定性
Several Analysis About Nonfeasance and Urgent Avoiding Risks& Talk from a Case of Slighting Lifesaving; The dumping entity and those who benefit from the emergency aversion of hazards or life salvage shall make compensation for the pollution damage arising therefrom. 不作为与紧急避险的若干辨析&从一起怠于救人案谈起倾倒单位和紧急避险和救助人命的受益者,应对由此所造成的污染损害进行补偿。
Buchanan s theory, the tax check departments are rational "economic person", thus they will take passive administration or nonfeasance in view of their own interests, which leads to tax run-off. 根据布坎南的理论,税务稽查部门是一个理性的“经济人”,他们基于自己利益得失的考虑,也会采取消极的行政行为或行政不作为,从而导致税收流失。
The main body with national jural nonfeasance joins suit. 国家不作为法律上的主体参加诉讼。
Discussion on adjudicating the administrative nonfeasance case 司法审查行政不作为案件判决的探讨
Due to his nonfeasance toward work, he was fired by his employer. 由于工作懈怠,他已经被公司褫革。
Additional obligation and inactive nonfeasance as its exception. 积极作为义务为原则,消极不作为义务为例外的法律属性。
The manner of administrative nonfeasance is somehow concealed. 行政不作为的行为方式具一定的隐蔽性。
The concept and characteristic of nonfeasance. 一是行政不作为的概念和特征。
Analysis of the Illegal Nonfeasance in Drug Administration 浅析药品监管中违法行政不作为
As an issue on the relationship between the nonfeasance and complicity, it is always controversial field, for its theory relating to complicity and negative crime, which are very complex. 不作为与共同犯罪的关系问题,因为涉及到刑法中两个复杂的理论&共同犯罪和不作为犯罪,历来都是争议较为集中的领域。
The essentials of committing administrative nonfeasance. 二是行政不作为的构成要件。
The nonfeasance of legislation has results in the establishment of constitutional rights in vain. 立法不作为导致了宪法权利的虚置。
To administration nonfeasance that mixes other tort actions, the counterparts can adopt the relief selection request principle. 对于混杂有其他侵权行为的行政不作为,行政相对人可以采取救济选择求偿的原则。
Part two it is the theoretical foundation of the administration nonfeasance litigation. 第二部分是行政不作为诉讼救济的理论基础。
We should insist on these principles and methods in indirect offender, free action on reason and nonfeasance crime etc several specially cases. 对间接正犯、不作为犯罪、原因上的自由行为等特殊案件的着手认定,也应当坚持上述原则和方法。
At the same time, the discussion enriches such hot questions as nonfigurative administrative behavior and commonweal lawsuit on the nonfigurative administrative nonfeasance and those infracting the commonweal. 同时对抽象的行政不作为与侵害公益的行政不作为的讨论,丰富了理论界关于抽象行政行为与公益诉讼等热点问题的探讨。
An accurate definition has been made for nonfeasance behavior in inter-domain routing forwarding on analysis of reasons for nonfeasance. 分析了不作为行为产生的原因,对其进行了合理准确地定义。
We shall exactly indentify the behaviors between acts and nonfeasance in setting casino on internet. 利用网络开设赌场的行为包括作为与不作为两种形式,要分别予以准确认定。
The nonfeasance infringement of universities and colleges should meet the requirements of fault, causality and harmful consequences. 高校不作为侵权应当满足过错、因果关系、损害结果三个要件。
At the same time, the nonfeasance crime can be divided into pure nonfeasance crime and impure nonfeasance crime. 不作为犯罪同时又可以分为纯正不作为犯罪与不纯正不作为犯罪。
Administrative nonfeasance is one kind of basic formation of administrative behavior. 行政不作为是违法行政行为的一种基本形态。
The causation principle and prevent destructive principle of the nonfeasance crime causal relationship has been recognized by most scholars, and analysis of the principles of the nonfeasance. crime causal relationship contribute to the understanding and the reality of specifically identified. 不作为犯罪因果关系的起果性原理和防果破坏性原理已为大多数学者所承认,对原理的探讨和分析有助于不作为犯罪因果关系的理解和现实中的具体认定。
The nonfeasance crime is also a crime which acts by a nonfeasance manner, external performance for a negative nonfeasance on the dangerous consequences that may result from intentional or ignored. 以不作为的方式构成的犯罪被称为不作为犯罪,其一般外在表现为消极的不作为,对可能发生的危害结果的故意或者漠视。