Activities of Dexamethasone and Diprazine Against Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reaction 地塞米松和异丙嗪预防非溶血性输血反应的观察
The hemolytic DNA fragment from Vibrio choleral labelled with dig was used a probe to hybridize in Southern blot the chromosoma DNA from EVC, and CVC, including some hemolytic strain and nonhemolytic strains. 选用地高辛标记的霍乱弧菌溶血素基因作为探针,对霍乱弧菌两种生物型的几株溶血菌株和不溶血菌株进行脱氧核糖核酸转膜杂交。
Objective To assess the clinical efficiency of preventing febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions ( FNHTR) with transfusion of leukocyte filtration RBC and platelet concentrates. 目的评价临床输注去白细胞红细胞悬液和浓缩血小板预防非溶血性发热性输血反应(FNHTR)的效果。
Haemophilus parasuis ( H. parasuis) that belongs to the Pasteurellaceae family is a Gram-negative, nonhemolytic, NAD-dependent bacterium. 副猪嗜血杆菌(Haemophilusparasuis,HPS),属巴斯德杆菌科,非溶血性的、具有NAD依赖性的革兰氏阴性菌。