Objective To study the possibility of the exist of specific antibody against platelet in tumor patients and to evaluate the value of MAIPA in measure of specific antibody against platelet in malignant tumor patients with nonimmune thrombocytopenic purpura. 目的检测恶性肿瘤非免疫性血小板减少患者的抗血小板特异性抗体,评价单克隆抗体特异性俘获血小板抗原(MAIPA)诊断及鉴别诊断价值。
Pathological Observation on Immune Organa and Nonimmune Organa of Special-Pathogen-Free ( SPF) Chicks Inoculated with Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus 鸡超强毒传染性法氏囊病发病全程中病理组织学观察
The paper reviews the immune components in human milk and immune development in infants and focuses on the current advances on how the 'traditional' immune and nonimmune components identified in human milk promote immune development of infants and regulate the immune responses in infants. 本文综述了母乳中的免疫成分及其对婴儿免疫发育的作用,并主要论述了母乳中传统的免疫和非免疫成分对免疫发育的促进作用及对婴儿免疫应答的调控。
Clearance of intrahepatic hepatitis B virus by a nonimmune mechanism 肝癌细胞清除乙型肝炎病毒的非免疫机制
In the same time hyperemia, hemorrhage, degeneration and necrosis were found in nonimmune organa. 同时可引起非免疫器官充血、出血、变性、坏死。
The exact pathogenesis of allograft arteriosclerosis remains unclear. It is probably a disease involved immune and nonimmune factors. 其确切发病机制尚未阐明,可能是一个由免疫因素及非免疫因素均参与的病理生理过程。