The problem with noninfectious that it is most often a recurrent condition in which symptoms come and go and may differ in severity. 非感染性前列腺炎最主要的问题是它是一个反复性的问题,症状总会以不同严重程度反复出现。
Diets high in fat, sugar and protein, and low in fiber have been associated with increased incidence of noninfectious intestinal diseases all over the world. 高脂肪、高糖、高蛋白,而低纤维的饮食已在全世界范围内引起了非传染性肠炎的发病率的上升。
The physiologic function of the immune system is defense against infectious microbes. However, even noninfectious foreign substances can elicit immune responses. 免疫系统的生理功能是抵抗传染性微生物。然而,即使是非传染性的外源物质也可引起免疫应答。
One infectious disease, two noninfectious diseases and three pests of Thelephora ganbajun were reported. meanwhile, their control methods were also introduced on this paper. 摘要介绍了干巴菌侵染性病害1种,非侵染性病害2种,虫害3种,同时对其相应的防治方法作了描述。
Therapeutic Observation of Children ′ s Noninfectious Diarrhea with Anisodamine 山莨菪碱治疗小儿非感染性腹泻疗效观察
The thing with noninfectious that it has no long-term effects although it certainly impairs a man's life-quality due to persistent symptoms. 非细菌性前列腺炎没有什么长期影响但是毫无疑问它会损害一个人的生活质量。
Investigation on Status of Lipid Disorders and Chronic Noninfectious Diseases Aggregation in Doumen Rural Area of Zhuhai City 珠海市斗门区农村居民血脂异常及与慢性非传染性疾病聚集性研究
Facing the great challenge of the increasing incidence of chronic noninfectious diseases which has become the major cause of death, the developed countries resort to great investment to develop medical undertaking and put these diseases under treatment, but with little success. 面对当前慢性非感染性疾病发病率日益增高并成为主要死因的挑战,西方发达国家主要采取巨额投资发展治疗性保健手段的战略,但并未获得成功。
The noninfectious diseases would he main risk to population health. 随着传染性疾病的有效控制,非传染性疾病已形成了人群健康的主要危害。
Now there are no effective therapy for noninfectious diarrhea and human rotavirus enteritis in western medicine. 目前针对非感染性腹泻、轮状病毒感染的秋季腹泻及迁延性、慢性腹泻尚无特效的西医治疗手段,多采用维持水电解质、酸碱平衡及支持疗法。
SIRS was a conception first brought forward in America in 1991 referring to the uncontrolled systemic inflammatory cascade induced by infectious or noninfectious factors. SIRS是一种由感染性和非感染性因素引起地难以控制的全身性瀑布式炎症反应。
Objective: To research the current health conditions of the country dwellers and to intervene the occurrence and development of the chronic noninfectious diseases in the village. 目的:研究农村居民健康现况,干预农村慢性非传染性疾病的发生与发展。
In conclusion, loperamide has the same efficacy as diphenoxylate Co. Loperamide controls noninfectious diarrhea in 81 patients 结果:在急性病例中洛哌丁胺与复方地芬诺酯控制腹泻的效果相似;洛哌丁胺治疗非感染性腹泻81例
Conclusion Treatment by electroacupuncture plus TDP irradiation has an exact effect on noninfectious urethral syndrome. Its curative effect was significantly better than that in the medication control group. 结论电针加TDP照射治疗非感染性尿道综合征疗效确切,该方法疗效明显高于药物对照组。
Thus, the prevention and control strategy, providing scientific materials for decision makers, is proposed to advance the control of the occurrence and development of chronic noninfectious diseases in the village. 提出预防控制策略对控制农村慢性非传染性疾病的发生与发展能起到积极的促进作用,可为决策者提供可借鉴的材料和科学依据。
[ Conclusion] Health education among staff officers should be enhanced to prevent the attack of chronic noninfectious diseases. 结论应加强干部职工健康教育和行为干预,预防慢性非传染性疾病的发生。
In indoor environment, there are mite, fungi, bacteria and virus which can cause infectious disease, noninfectious allergic reactions, non-allergic immunologic reactions and sick building syndrome. 在建筑室内环境中,常见的微生物有尘螨、真菌、细菌和病毒,能够引起传染性疾病、非传染性疾病、非过敏性免疫反应及各种不适症状;
Conclusions: The prevention and control of noninfectious chronic diseases and research of some related factors on poisonings and injuries should be strengthened. 结论:加强慢性非传染性疾病防治工作和意外死亡相关因素的研究。
During the past twenty years, the morbidity of diabetes mellitus has been rising and it has become the third major noninfectious disease next to malignant tumors, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases in china. 近20年来我国糖尿病的发病率亦呈逐渐上升的趋势,已成为继恶性肿瘤和心脑血管疾患之后的第三位重要的慢性非传染性疾病。
Loperamide controls noninfectious diarrhea in 81 patients 洛哌丁胺治疗非感染性腹泻81例
The disease of immune suppression affected by only one or several factors is a generic name of diseases introduced by lots of infectious factors and noninfectious ones that can destroy the immune system of body and depress the immune function. 免疫抑制性疾病是机体在单一或多种致病因素共同作用下,导致免疫系统受损、免疫功能降低的多种传染性因素及非传染性因素所导致的疾病的总称。
Analysis of treatment data of chronic noninfectious diseases in hospitals of different tiers 慢性非传染性疾病在不同等级医院就医资料分析
Method Sixty patients with noninfectious urethral syndrome were randomly divided into an electroacupuncture plus TDP irradiation treatment group of 40 cases and a medication group of 20 cases as a control. 方法将60例非感染性尿道综合征患者随机分为以电针加TDP照射为治疗组40例,并设用药物治疗为对照组20例进行对比观察。
A group of 30 patients, amalgamative infection 24 patients ( ecological), three cases two kinds of infections; merger Noninfectious 6 patients ( 20.00%). 结果:1.A组30例患者中,合并感染24例(80.00%),其中3例合并两类感染;非感染性6例(20.00%)。
SIRS was a conception first brought forward in America in 1991 referring to the uncontrolled systemic inflammatory cascade induced by infectious or noninfectious factors. It always leads to pyaemic shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. 全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)是一种由感染性和非感染性因素引起地难以控制的全身性瀑布式炎症反应,常发展成脓毒性休克和多脏器功能不全综合征。
Lifestyle intervention is the most effective means of health maintenance, control of noninfectious chronic disease and subhealth, but in the traditional way of lifestyle intervention faces many of the problems, and did not get the desired results. 生活方式干预无疑是维护健康、控制慢性非传染性疾病与亚健康最有效的手段,但传统的生活方式干预途径当前面临着诸多的问题,而且也没有取得理想的效果。
Based on the cause is divided into infectious and noninfectious two kinds. 根据病因分为感染性和非感染性两种。