That is, if neither a "-lNumber" nor a "-f" option is given, it is understood that the pages of are fixed length, 72 lines each. 也就是说,如果既没有给出“-lNumber”也没有给出“-f”选项,则selpg会理解为页有固定的长度(每页72行)。
Let her see nothing strange-no passion nor eagerness-in thy way of accosting her, whispered Hester. 你跟她搭话的时候,别让她看出什么不同寻常的地方,既不要太热情,也不要太急切,海丝特轻声说。
Such was the sympathy of Nature-that wild, heathen Nature of the forest, never subjugated by human law, nor illumined by higher truth-with the bliss of these two spirits! 这就是大自然从未被人类法律管制过的、也从未被更高的真理照射过的蛮荒的、异端的、森林中的大自然对这两个人精神的祝福所表示的同情!
African-Americans and Hispanics seem to find it similarly easy to get along. But neither whites in a largely African-American area nor African-Americans in a largely white area tend to car-pool. 同理,非裔美国人和拉美人之间似乎更容易打交道。但无论是白人在非裔美国人聚居区,还是非洲裔美国人在白人聚居区,都不太可能获得共乘。
Neither "open source" nor "user-centred" means free. “开放源代码”和“以用户为中心”并不意味着免费。
Solid gravel seal At the earlier stage of eutectic, the enveloped or nor-enveloped frame austenite shell lias formed. 密实的砾石充填层间密封共晶前期石墨球局围形成封闭或不封闭的框架奥氏体壳;
Neither system-marginal-price auction nor pay-as-bid auction can suppress price spikes. 目前电力市场中的系统边际价格拍卖与报价价格拍卖都不能有效解决不正当市场竞争引起的电价飞升问题。
Comparative observation between tissue harmonic imaging and fundamental imaging in nor-mal cardiac sonograms 组织谐频成像与基频成像在心脏声像图中的对比观察
The results of 68 assays in fourteen pregnancy toxemias are compared with the corresponding nor-mal gestation week averages, cases whose values are lower than those of the normal account for 80%, While those lower than the lower limits cover 70%. 以14例妊娠中毒症68次测定结果与相应孕周组正常值进行比较,低于正常范围者占7/10左右;
In addition, the expression of HIF-1 α mRNA in the brain of Tibetan chicken embryos was similar to that of the low-altitude chickens when they were hatched under nor-mal oxygen tensions. 并且发现常氧条件下孵化时,藏鸡胚胎的大脑组织内HIF-1α基因的表达量与低氧孵化的低地鸡胚胎相接近。
The authors reported fundus findings in 482 subjects with IGT and in 220 subjects with nor-mal oral glucose tolerance by direct ophthalmoscope, color photography and fundus fluorescein angiography, and discovered mainly two kinds of retinopathy: retinal microangiopathy and RPE lesions. 作者等应用检眼镜,眼底彩色照相和荧光血管造影检查482例IGT和220例正常糖耐量试验健康人的眼底,主要发现视网膜微血管病变和RPE病变。
The plasma sex hormones and serum total cholesterol ( T-CH), high density lipoprotein cholesterol ( HDL-CH) and its subclasses HDL_2-CH and HDL_3-CH were examined in 30 patients with coronary artery disease and 30 age-matched nor-mal controls in this study. 本文测定30例冠心病人和130例健康人的血浆性激素水平、血清总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇及其亚组分。
The paper puts forward a new type of cryogenic refrigerator proved to be nor-mal working by theoretical calculation and experimental demonstration. 在理论研究及实验论证的基础上,本文提出了一种新型的低温回热式气体制冷机。
In the system, PLC can take corresponding procedures judged by the stuff-location signals ( high, nor-mal, low) transmitted from stuff-location-meter and the pressure signals transmitted from electric-pressure-meter assembled above store-pumps. 系统中,PLC可根据料位计传输过来的灰粉位置信号(高、正常、低)和仓泵上方的电接点压力表指示压力值信号,采取相应的处理措施。
When PSS are widely used in Multi-Machine power system, PSS would neither weaken other electromechanical modes 'damping nor non-electromechanical modes' damping too much while enhancing some electromechanical modes 'damping. 在多机系统中广泛配置PSS时,可以全面提高所有机电振荡模式的阻尼,而不会出现某个机电振荡模式的阻尼有工程意义的减少的情况,也不会过多的降低非机电模式的阻尼。
Compared with conventional NAND and NOR gates, one-bit full adders have several advantages. 在与传统的与非门/或非门的比较中,它显示了优势。
NO and PGE_2 contents in the model group were decreased than those in the nor-mal group, while the number of micrangium increased. 模型组NO、PGE2含量比正常组均有所减少,而微血管数有所增加;
Direct Separation and Determination of Epinephrine and Nor-Epinephrine in Serum by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis 毛细管区带电泳分离测定肾上腺素和去甲肾上腺素
In order to investigate the clinical significance of heart rate variability ( HRV) in children with ventricular premature contraction ( VPC), we used HRV time domain analysis method to study 38 children with VPC and 11 nor-mal children. 为探讨定性早搏(VPC)患儿心率变异性(HRV)的临床意义。应用HRV时域分析法,研究38例VPC患儿和11例正常儿童的心率变异特性。
A new method which neither center stakes nor cross-sectional directions about route layout side slope stakes from traverse stations, is discussed in this paper. 提出一种无需放样路线的中桩,也无需测定横断面方向,在导线点上直接放样路线边线的新方法。
The third kind is neither ChAT-positive nor Nestin-positive cells, with neuron-like character and unstained cytoplasm. 第三类为Nestin和ChAI,抗体反应阴性细胞,其细胞浆中未着色,细胞具有神经元形态特征。
The controversy about the usage of positive method and nor-( mative) method in the economics research has been continued for a long time. 经济学研究中的实证方法和规范方法的运用历来都存在争议。
From analysis the following conclusions can be made: ( 1) The turning ability of a vessel fitted with Kort nozzle rudder is better than that of a nor-mal rudder, particularly when going astern. 通过分折可以得出如下结论:1.装有回转导管的工作船的回转性能比装有舵时为好,倒航时尤为显著。