The leftward lurch has been reversed: rather than extending the state into the market, the Nordics are extending the market into the state. 左倾的路线现在已被反转过来:与其说是让政府涉足市场,北欧国家如今是在将市场引入政府。
Even the free-market Nordics are getting in on the act, with Sweden putting together a rescue package for its car industry. 就连崇尚自由市场的北欧也参与了进来瑞典为它的汽车业设计了一个救助方案。
Iceland, Nordics top world gender equality list. 全球性别平等度排名,冰岛居首。
The Nordics will have to continue to upgrade their model, but they will also have to fight to retain what makes it distinctive. 北欧国家必须要改善自己的模式,但同时它们也必须努力保留赋予这些模式独特性的方面。
Lastly, let's hear from the Nordics themselves, who have been busily moving away from the social welfare state back toward laissez-faire. 最后,让我们看看北欧国家他们自己是怎么做的。
Some military and political leaders want the Nordics to co-operate more. 一些军事和政治首脑但愿北欧列国能进一步合作。
This is not to say that the Nordics are shredding their old model. 这并不是指北欧国家在彻底摒弃自己过去的模式。
Social spending is certainly high in egalitarian countries such as the Nordics. 在北欧等奉行平等主义的国家里,社会支出水平自然较高。
The reason the Nordics and the Dutch have the most egalitarian outcomes is that they provide the best education. 平等主义在北欧国家与荷兰成果最为明显的原因在于,这些国家提供了最好的教育。
The Nordics can look south for more inspiration. 北欧国家可以向南寻找更多的灵感。
The Nordics do particularly well in two areas where competitiveness and welfare can reinforce each other most powerfully: innovation and social inclusion. 北欧国家在两个领域表现尤其出色:创新和社会包容,这恰恰是竞争力和福利互补作用最强的两个领域。
The Nordics also have exceptionally high rates of female labour-force participation: in Denmark not far off as many women go out to work ( 72%) as men ( 79%). 北欧国家的女性工作率也高得不同寻常:在丹麦女性工作比例(72%)和男性工作比例(79%)所差无几。
The Adjustment of Nordics Security Policy in the Early Post-war Period 战后初期北欧国家安全政策的调整&试论北欧平衡的形成