Objective: To evaluate the treatment outcomes of low-dose mifepristone ( RU486) and norethindrone ( NID) in anovulatory functional bleeding in premenopausal women. 目的:探讨小剂量米非司酮和炔诺酮治疗围绝经期无排卵性功能性子宫出血的临床疗效。
Pharmacokinetics of norethindrone-3-oxime and norethindrone in rhesus monkeys 炔诺酮肟(NETO)与炔诺酮(NET)在猴体内的药代动力学
Effect of domestic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone-analogue and low-dose norethindrone add-back therapy on reproductive hormone and lumbar bone mineral density in the treatment of endometriosis 黄体生成激素释放激素类似物联合低剂量炔诺酮治疗子宫内膜异位症对生殖激素及腰椎骨量的影响
Pharmacokinetic Studies of Norethindrone-oxime Acetate and Norethindrone Acetate in Rabbits 醋炔诺酮肟及醋炔诺酮在兔体内的药代动力学研究
Effects of 17 α-ethinylestradiol, Norethindrone and Levonorgestrel on Root Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana 甾类激素炔雌醇、炔诺酮和左炔诺孕酮对拟南芥根生长的影响
In this article the course of discovery of Penicillin 、 Norethindrone 、 Vc 、 ANP 、 Sildenafil etc was described in detail based on their kinds, and summed up 6 methods for the discovery of new drugs. 本文通过对青霉素、炔诺酮、维生素C、心钠素、西地那非等几十种药物的发现过程进行了分门别类的详细描述,总结出了6条发现新药的途径。
Conclusion It can obviously improve the curative effect that mifepristone with norethindrone treats dysfunctional uterine bleeding of peri-menopause. 结论米非司酮合用炔诺酮治疗更年期功血,可显著提高疗效。
Studies on the polymeric drugs ⅰ. in-vitro release of norethindrone-α,β-poly ( hydroxyaikyl)-dl-asparamide conjugates 高分子药物的研究Ⅰ.炔诺酮-α,β-聚(羟烷基)-DL-天冬酰胺高分子药物体外释放的研究
Treatment of symptomatic rectovaginal endometriosis with an estrogen-progestogen combination versus low-dose norethindrone acetate 雌孕激素联合用药与低剂量醋酸炔诺酮治疗症状性直肠阴道子宫内膜异位症的比较
The interaction between 18-methyl norethindrone and ketoprofen including the displacement of ketoprofen from human serum albumin binding sites was investigated by capillary electrophoresis-frontal analysis method ( CE-FA) at room temperature. 将18甲基炔诺酮加到人血清白蛋白酮洛芬平衡溶液中,室温孵育达平衡后应用毛细管电泳迎头分析法研究了18甲基炔诺酮和酮洛芬在人血清白蛋白分子上的置换相互作用。