Analysis of the Uncertainty of the Content and the Content Uniformity in HPLC Determination of Norethisterone Tablets HPLC法测定炔诺酮片含量及含量均匀度的不确定度分析
Bioequivalence of estradiol and norethisterone acetate-containing tablets in healthy post menopausal female volunteers 复方雌二醇片在健康绝经妇女体内的生物等效性
Intranasal continuous combined 17 β-estradiol/ norethisterone therapy improves the lipid profile in healthy postmenopausal women 鼻腔持续给予17β-雌二醇/炔诺酮治疗对于健康绝经后妇女脂代谢有改善作用
The Effects and Mechanism of Norethisterone and Megestrol on Lipoprotein Metabolism in Rats 炔诺酮和甲地孕酮对大鼠血浆脂蛋白代谢的影响
The Effects of Norethisterone on Gangliosides Composition of Human Decidual Tissue 炔诺酮对人子宫蜕膜神经节苷脂组分的影响
Synthesis of Norethisterone Acetate by a One Step Process 炔诺酮醋酸酯的一步合成法
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of compound estradiol valerate and norethisterone ( E N) on Sex hormonal activity in animals. 目的研究戊酸雌二醇与炔诺酮的复方(EN)对动物性激素影响。
Random and double bland clinical study of treating vaginal bleeding with taking table norethisterone compositae after drug abortion 随机双盲口服复方炔诺酮片防治药物流产后阴道出血的临床研究
The Analysis of Human Urine Metabolites of the Contraceptive Drug Norethisterone by GC-MS 人尿中避孕药炔诺酮代谢物的GC-MS分析
The method is simple, rapid and suitable for the simultaneous determination of the seven sex hormones in norethisterone tablets and Penis et Testis Cervi. 该方法简便、快速,已成功用于炔诺酮片和鹿鞭提取液中性激素的同时分析。
It was found that norethisterone oxime induced vacuolar degeneration of lutea cells, and the activity of 3 β-hydroxy-steroid dehydrogenase decreased. 结果表明,给药两组家兔黄体细胞空泡变性,3β-羟基甾体脱氢酶(3β-HSD)活性减弱。
Clinical pharmacological study on different doses of norethisterone oenanthate ( net-oen) as a Longacting injectable contraceptive 不同剂量炔诺酮庚酸酯长效避孕针的临床药理学研究
The hormonal activity of norethisterone oxime ( NETO) was tested in vivo. 观察离体条件下炔诺酮肟(NETO)的激素活性,并与炔雌醇、孕酮进行比较。
Effect of compound estradiol valerate and norethisterone ( E-V) on estrogen and progestogen activity in animals 复方戊酸雌二醇和炔诺酮对动物雌激素和孕激素活性影响的研究
Methods: Following administration of unmodified paclitaxel liposomes, 0.1% F-68-modified paclitaxel liposomes and 0.2% F-68-modified paclitaxel liposomes to rats via tail veins, plasma sample was extracted with tert-butyl methyl ether and added norethisterone as internal standard. 方法:大鼠尾静脉注射未修饰紫杉醇脂质体、0.1%F-68修饰紫杉醇脂质体及0.2%F-68修饰紫杉醇脂质体,血浆处理以炔诺酮为内标,叔丁基甲醚提取。
Preparation and drug release in vitro of PLGA microspheres containing norethisterone oxime acetate 含醋炔酮肟的共聚物微球的制备与体外释药初探
Norethisterone oxime ( NETO) was given orally to anesthetized rats in single dose to observe acute toxicity. 本文选用麻醉大鼠进行一次口服灌胃炔诺酮肟(NETO)的急性毒性实验。
Effect of combined norethisterone enanthate ( netoen) on micronuclear frequencies of bone marrow erythroblasts and fetal liver blood in mouse 复方庚炔诺酮对小鼠骨髓细胞及胎肝血微核率的影响
The Influences of Mifepristone 、 Norethisterone and Tamoxifen on the Glycosphingolipids Compositions from Human Chorionic Tissues during Early Pregnancy 米非司酮、炔诺酮、三苯氧胺对人早孕绒毛鞘糖脂的影响
Studies on the separation and identification of anti-and syn-isomers of norethisterone acetate oxime and comparison of their antifertility activity 醋炔诺酮肟顺、反式异构体的分离、鉴别与其抗生育活性的比较
A Comparison of Anti-implantation Action of Norethisterone Oxime with that of Norethisterone and Their Effects on Progesterone Secretion in Rat Ovary 炔诺酮肟与炔诺酮抗着床作用的比较及其对卵巢孕酮分泌的影响
Studies on mechanisms of anti-implantation action of norethisterone acetate-3-oxime in mice and rats 醋炔诺酮肟的抗着床作用原理的研究
METHODS Plasma was extracted with tert-butyl methyl ether and norethisterone was employed as internal standard after iv. paclitaxel liposome and taxol injection in rats. 方法大鼠尾静脉注射紫杉醇脂质体及紫杉醇注射液,血浆用叔丁基甲醚提取。
Teratogenicity and mutagenicity of contraceptive drug norethisterone acetate 3 oxime in Drosophila melanogaster 避孕药醋炔诺酮肟对果蝇的致畸性和致突变性的研究
The ion of monitor was at m/ z 338.2 ( danazol) and m/ z 299.2 ( norethisterone, internal standard). 用于定量的选择检测离子m/z分别为338.2(达那唑)、299.2(炔诺酮,内标)。
Morphological Studies on the Effect of the Norethisterone Oxime on the Ovary in Rabbits 炔诺酮肟对家兔卵巢作用的形态学研究
Effects of intramuscular injection of norethisterone enanthate on follicular activity and luteal activity in Chinese women 24例中国妇女肌注庚炔诺酮200mg对卵巢及黄体功能的影响