Men can shed infectious herpes virus through normal-appearing genital skin. 男性可通过外观正常的生殖道皮肤传播疱疹病毒。
The specimens were obtained from periampullary duodenal biopsies that were taken from normal-appearing mucosa in19 patients with pancreatic cancer. 样本为19位胰腺癌患者壶腹周围的十二指肠组织活检,即看起来正常的粘膜。
These lungs appear essentially normal, but are normal-appearing because they are the hyperinflated lungs of a patient who died with status asthmaticus. 肺外观基本上正常,但呈现过度充气状态,病人死于哮喘持续状态。
Peters, examined DNA samples from SCC tumors, from normal-appearing skin adjacent to the tumor, when available; from white blood cells, and from cells washed from the mouth. Peters密切合作,检查了来自SCC肿瘤的DNA样本J及肿瘤附近正常皮肤标本,如果可能:还包括全血细胞和口腔含漱细胞标本。
Objective To quantitatively study the effect of ages on the average apparent diffusion coefficient ( ADCav) of normal-appearing white matter. 目的定量研究不同年龄段正常脑白质磁共振扩散加权成像平均表观扩散系数(ADCav)值,分析年龄因素对正常脑白质ADCav值的影响。
Diffusion tensor imaging of the normal-appearing brain tissue in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis 复发好转型多发性硬化患者中表现正常的脑组织的DTI研究
Conclusion Diffusion weighted imaging is able to identify different MS lesions and to detect diffuse abnormalities in the normal-appearing white matter of MS patients. 结论弥散加权成像可以分辨出MS病灶,并能够检测出MS患者表现正常脑白质的弥散异常。
The expression of normal-appearing bronchial epithelial and pulmonary tissues was negative. 正常对照肺组织中无OPN表达。
Endoscopic biopsies from normal-appearing terminal ileum and cecum in patients with suspected colonic tuberculosis 对疑有结肠结核患者外观正常的末端回肠和盲肠进行内镜活检