He said that the government was committed to restore normalcy and hold elections in the Punjab 他说政府会致力于恢复正常秩序,并在旁遮普省进行选举。
Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart. 在这一切正常的表象下潜伏的是将使这个家庭四分五裂的毒瘾。
Redmond says the best way to help restore normalcy to peoples'lives is to get them home as soon as possible, as soon as conditions allow. 他说,难民署要求政府给予难民们行动自由,能自由出入难民营。难民署还鼓励政府尽早筛选出营地中的前武装分子,使得在那里生活的平民可以被允许自由进出。
It says school helps to give children whose lives have been completely disrupted a sense of normalcy and security. 基金会表示,学校能够帮助那些生活变得支离破碎的孩子们得到正常和安全的感觉。
He says that after Israel's recent three-week military assault on Gaza, Palestinians need normalcy. 他说,以色列最近对加沙进行了三个星期的军事进攻之后,巴勒斯坦人需要恢复正常的生活。
The downside of this approach lies in its normalcy: it becomes hard to distinguish the design elements you've extracted because they look like all your other code. 该方法的缺点在于其常态:难以区分您提取的设计元素,因为它们看起来就像您的所有其他代码。
Eighteen months of conflict in Syria have hurt the country's economy. But in the capital, Damascus, a certain level of normalcy exists. 叙利亚持续18个月的冲突已严重损害了该国经济,但是在首都大马士革却仍然呈现出了一定程度的安定状态。
I wonder how long we will have to be so cautious, and I long for normalcy. 我想知道如此提心吊胆小心谨慎地过日子还要持续多久,我渴望过正常的生活。
UNICEF says its new early childhood development kit is fun, stimulating and helps provide children in difficult circumstances a sense of normalcy. 该组织表示,这个为幼儿早期发展的宝盒具有娱乐性和启发性,给那些处在艰难环境中的儿童有一些正常生活的感觉。
I was going to pursue normalcy as if my life depended on it. 我要追求正常的生活,就像原来的那样。
Near the ruins of Somalia's old parliament, an unemployed traffic officer directs traffic for tips from drivers grateful for a sign of normalcy. 在索马里老国会的废墟附近,一位失业了的交警指挥着交通来赚取小费,小费源自司机们对正常状态的感激。
Hope should not be put aside, as eventually, a return to normalcy occurs. 不要放弃希望,最后会回归常态的。
"The kids?" she asks, her last mad grasp at normalcy. “孩子们呢?”她问,想要努力表现得正常。
The normalcy claims assert that this is only due to the coincidence that earthquakes are striking heavily populated areas lately. 宣称一切正常的人说,只是近来地震碰巧袭击了人口稠密的地区(才引起公众的关注)。
There is no such thing as "bland normalcy". There are only people who settle for that. 根本没有”平淡无奇“这回事儿。只有满足于平淡无奇的人。
Pentagon surveys show that while all soldiers deployed to a war zone will feel stressed, 70% will manage to bounce back to normalcy. 五角大楼的报告显示所有的士兵当被派往战场时候都会初现应激,70%会逐渐恢复。
The idea is to buy normalcy and sell mania or go short normalcy and cover depression. 也就是,平静时买入,疯狂时卖出;或者是平静时做空,绝望时回补。
If fighting for normalcy is the suitable answer, then a bipolar disorder diagnosis can make one awake to what one is fighting. 如果正常的战斗是合适的答案,然后躁郁症诊断可以一醒来什么是战斗。
I want to experience these moments with normalcy and satisfaction. 我希望我们能以平常心对待这样的时刻。
It will likely be some time before normalcy is restored to classrooms after the Tabasco-tempered 11-day walkout ( Christian Science Monitor) 火药味浓烈的十一天罢课之后,教室恢复常态可能还需要一段时间(基督教科学箴言报)
The diagnosis can be established only by documenting the normalcy of the gallbladder and the presence of duodenal or jejunal diverticula. 确立此诊断必须先确认胆囊正常及有小肠憩室存在。
And I know people are supposed to fall in love before they reproduce, but I guess normalcy isn't really our style. 我知道,凡人都是先行相爱而后再生儿育女。我想我们就是不按常理出牌。
The celebrations for the soccer victory at Tripoli blended into the Eid holiday and helped restore a sense of normalcy to the capital after months of war. 当日,利首都为足球胜利进行的庆祝正好和开斋假期的喜庆气氛融和,帮助这个历经数月战火的城市恢复了些许正常的气息。
Days after this activity, the vehicles and the equipment that I've just highlighted disappear and the site returns to patterns of normalcy. 这种活动结束几天以后,我刚才重点提到的那些车辆和设备不见了。那个地点又恢复了常态。
In 1976, as a foreign minister for Thailand, I was part of a delegation charged with opening a dialogue and bringing normalcy to relations between the two countries. 1976年,我担任泰国的外交部长,参与了开启两国对话、让关系正常化的代表团。
It is therefore imperative for the hospital to strengthen the process management of new technologies and services, starting from the implementation of the service accession system and focusing on the management of service establishment, goals, strategies, normalcy, risks, performances, results and economy. 医院应加强对新技术、新项目的全过程管理,从实行项目准入制度入手,强化项目的立项管理、目标管理、政策管理、常态管理、风险管理、绩效管理、成果管理和经济管理。
When the uncertainty is becoming the normalcy, how does the enterprise maintain and strengthen their competitive advantage to achieve sustainable development? It is a new question for many entrepreneurs and scholars, especially for Chinese private enterprises. 在当不确定性成为常态的时候,企业如何保持并增强自身的竞争优势,实现可持续发展,这成为众多企业家和学者的新难题,这里更包括具有中国特色的民营企业。