To solve this, the intl library provides the Normalizer class. 为了解决这个问题,intl库提供了Normalizer类。
The main classes that support transliteration capabilities are Transliterator and Normalizer. 支持音译功能的主要类是Transliterator和Normalizer。
Normalizer: This class provides functions to normalize the output of transliteration function into a composed or decomposed form. Normalizer:这个类提供一些函数,将音译函数的输出规范化为一种合成或分解格式。
The Normalizer of Hall Subgroups and the Structure of Finite Groups Hall-子群的正规化子与有限群结构
Burnside asserts, if any sylow p-subgroup P of a finite G lies in the center of its normalizer, then G isp-nilpotent. 群论研究的一个重要问题是对有限群的p&幂零性对有限群结构的影响。
Two Results on the Normalizer of the π-Hall Subgroup 关于π-Hall子群正规化子的两个结果
We extend Kleinian groups from the algebraic view, then we extend it to its normalizer. 我们对Kleinian群进行代数扩充,将其扩充为它的正规化子,显然Kleinian群是其正规化子的正规子群。
In this note, we contribute an example of an abnormal subgroup which is not a Sylow normalizer. 本文给出一个不是Sylow正规化子的反正规子群的例子。
The Sylow system theory of solvable group is generalized by introducing the concepts of π-Sylow system and π-system normalizer. 通过引入πSylow系与π系正规化子的概念,将可解群的Sylow系理论作以推广。
The results showed that all mRNA genes exhibited the significant expression variations and were unsuitable to be used as normalizer throughout the whole embryonic developmental stages. 结果表明多数常用的mRNA基因并不适合用于整个胚胎期间基因表达的校正,它们在胚胎发育的过程中表达变化明显。
The normalizer problem has become one of the most extensively studied top-ics in the theory of integral group rings of finite groups in recent years. 近些年来,有限群整群环的正规化子问题已成为整群环理论研究中的热点问题之一。