Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system raises BP, usually more in hypertensive or prehypertensive patients than in normotensive patients. 高血压血压不正常的升高交感神经系统刺激升高血压,这种情况在高血压或高血压前期病人中通常比正常血压病人更多见。
The classic manometric findings are: ( a) absence of esophageal peristalsis, and ( b) hypertensive or normotensive LES which fails to relax completely in response to swallowing. 经典的测压结果是:(1)缺乏食管蠕动,和(二)高血压或血压正常就业辅导,从而未能放宽吞咽反应完全。
These results suggest that an enhanced tendency to concentrate urine may delay the excretion of the daily ingested fluid and sodium and may increase pulse pressure in young normotensive individuals. 这些结果提示增强的尿液浓缩可能延迟日间饮食吸收的水钠,并可能导致血压正常个体的脉压增高。
Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Carotid Haemodynamics in Normotensive Carotid Stenosis Patients The Effect of Blood Pressure on Hemodynamic Indexes in Cerebral Vascular and Carotid Vascular 血压水平对脑血管和颈部血管血液动力学检测指标的影响
Results BRS decreased significantly in hypertensive patients compared with normotensive controls and was correlated closely with age. 结果高血压组的压力反射敏感性显著下降,且与年龄密切相关。
With respect to combination therapy, it is virtually impossible to get a diabetic patient normotensive with monotherapy and even the combination with a diuretic is most frequently not sufficient. 联合治疗方面,要采用单药治疗使糖尿病患者血压正常几乎是不可能的,即使与利尿剂联合也常常是不够的。
Investigation of Microalbuminuria in Nondiabetic, Normotensive Obese Women 不伴随糖尿病和高血压的肥胖妇女尿微量白蛋白的调查
Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Carotid Haemodynamics in Normotensive Carotid Stenosis Patients The Effect of Different Levels of CVP on Hemodynamics 、 Metabolism of Oxygen and Hepatic Venous Bleeding in Bama Miniature Pigs 正常血压颈动脉狭窄患者血压水平与颈动脉血流的关系不同水平中心静脉压对巴马小型猪血流动力学、氧代谢及肝静脉出血量影响的研究
Incidence of metabolic syndrome in primary hypertensive and normotensive people 原发性高血压患者代谢综合征发病状况分析
Effect of chronic salt loading on vascular endothelium markers in normotensive salt-sensitive people 慢性盐负荷对血压正常盐敏感者血管内皮标志物的影响
Methods Adopt the health education of the trinity for the hypertension patient, high-risky group and normotensive crowd. 方法采用高血压病人、高危人群和血压正常人群三位一体的健康教育。
Objective: To determine artery buffering function at different artery segments in normotensive subjects and patients with essential hypertension. 目的:研究正常人和高血压患者不同部位动脉缓冲功能的变化。
Effects of propane hydrochloride on cardiac transmembrane action potential in spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats 丙烷盐酸盐对自发性高血压大鼠和正常血压大鼠心肌跨膜电活动的影响
CONCLUSIONS: The calcium antagonistic effects of Pra C in renovascular hypertensive rats is greater than that in DOCA salt hypertensive rats and normotensive rats, and it is probably related to different mechanisms of two models of hypertensive rats. 结论:Pra-C对肾血管型高血压大鼠尾动脉的钙拮抗作用强于DOCA-salt型高血压大鼠和正常大鼠,可能与两种高血压大鼠模型高血压形成机制不同有关。
Normotensive primary hyperaldosteronism is rare. 血压正常的原发性醛固酮增多症罕见。
Assessment of diastolic function of left ventricle in normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents with Doppler tissue imaging 多普勒组织成像技术对高血压患者血压正常子女左心室舒张功能的评价
The cardiovascular and respiratory responses produced by microinjection of kainic acid ( KA) into habenular nucleus ( Hb) in anaesthetized spontaneously hypertensive rats ( SHR) were compared with normotensive rats ( NR). 本文比较了自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)与正常血压大鼠(NR)缰核(Hb)内微量注射海人酸(KA)引起的心血管和呼吸反应。
In this study, beta-adrenoceptor density and affinity of peripheral lymphocytes from patients with established hypertension were measured by radioligand binding assay while cardiac index ( CI) and total peripheral resistance ( TPR) were determined by echocardiography in comparison with those of normotensive volunteers. 本实验应用放射配体结合法和超声心动图法分别测定了稳定型高血压病患者的外周血液淋巴细胞β受体密度和亲合力以及心脏指数和外周总阻力,并与正常人组进行了比较。
The changes of 24 hour dynamic blood pressure and urine albumin excretion rate ( UAER) were observed in 17 normotensive and normal UAER NIDDM patients and 10 age and sex matched controls. 观察17例血压和尿白蛋白排泄率(UAER)皆正常的NIDDM患者及10例年龄、性别匹配的对照组的24小时动态血压和UAER变化。
This paper introduces the indirect tail-cuff method for determining systolic arterial pressure in unanesthetized normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats ( SHR). 本文报道了清醒正常和自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)测定动脉收缩血压的间接尾袖法。
The results showed that: intralymphocytic free calcium concentrations were much higher in hypertensive patients than in normotensive controls. 结果表明:原发性高血压患者治疗前淋巴细胞胞浆游离钙浓度显著高于正常对照组。
The change of pulse pressure and its relation to microalbuminuria in normotensive type 2 diabetic patients 正常血压2型糖尿病患者脉压变化及与微量白蛋白尿的关系
Effect of enalapril on glucose metabolism in normotensive NIDDM patients 依那普利对NIDDM患者糖代谢的影响
Methods [ Ca 2+] I, left ventricular moss index ( LVMI) and left ventricular function were determined in elderly hypertensive patients, middle-aged hypertensive patients and normotensive controls. 方法检测老年性高血压患者、中青年高血压患者及正常血压对照组细胞内胞浆游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)、左心室重量指数(LVMI)及左心室功能。
Methods Systolic blood pressure in SHR and age-matched Wister-Kyoto ( WKY) normotensive rats were measured by tail-cuff method. 方法采用尾套法测定SHR和正常大鼠(WKY)血压;