Sure, the pugnacious Norsemen probably sported headgear, but that whole horn-festooned helmet look? 当然,好战的北欧人也许有戴帽子的习惯,但一定是绑有角的吗?
By the Viking Age, Norsemen regarded skiing as an efficient way to get around and a popular form of recreation. 直到维京时期,北欧人们都把滑雪视为一种有效的交通方式,同时也是一种受欢迎的娱乐方式。
The Norsemen were hunters and farmers who, when times were hard in their inhospitable land, marauded southwards overland from the Danish peninsula, attacking other Teutonic peoples. 古代北欧人都是猎人和农民,他们在荒凉的土地上艰难度日,从丹麦半岛经陆路前往南部抢劫,袭击其他条顿族人。
The Norsemen of Norway turned to the sea largely because of the geographical nature of their homeland. Important elements of his fleet were lying in the harbors of northern France, in Norway and in the Baltic Sea. 挪威的古代北欧人转向大海的主要原因是他们国家的地理因素。舰队主力亦隐藏於法国北部,挪威及波罗的海渚港中。
The priority of the visit of the Norsemen to America to that of Columbus has been established. 古代斯堪地那维亚人优先哥伦布到达美洲已被公认。
They married themselves to the girls of the region and to the fat of the land, making Normans out of Norsemen. 他们和当地的少女结婚,在肥沃的诺曼底扎根,使得挪威人变成了诺曼底人。
To it belong the Greeks of the heroic age, the tribes of Italy shortly before the foundation of rome, the Germans of Tacitus and the Norsemen of the Viking age. 英雄时代的希腊人、罗马建立前不久的各意大利部落、塔西佗时代的德意志人、海盗时代的诺曼人,都属于这个阶段。
Her flame red hair and dislike of violence make her an outsider and she has little rapport with the Norsemen. 她火红的头发和厌恶战争的个性使她成为一个局外人,而且她很少和挪威人和谐共处。
For the Norsemen Friday was regarded as the luckiest day of the week, the day of dating and wedding. 对挪威人来说,星期五是一周中最吉利的日子,是情人约会和结婚的日子。
From the end of the eighth century, the Norsemen ravished and plundered the shores of every land from the Baltic to the mediterranean. 8世纪末以后,古代北欧人对波罗的海至地中海的每一块沿海土地进行了掠夺。
The Norman Conquest happened in 1066, when Norsemen who had lived for more than a hundred years in Normandy and had been Frenchified invaded England. 1066年,在法国诺曼底住了IO0多年而法国化了的北欧人入侵英国,这叫做诺曼征服。
Meanwhile, the Germanic peoples of northern Europe, known as "Norsemen" or "Northmen," were developing another, separate European culture. 与此同时,位于北欧的日耳曼族人,又称“古代斯堪的纳维亚人”或“北方人”,正在建立自己独特的欧洲文化。