Italy's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions 意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。
Buddhism and a sophisticated system of irrigation became the pillars of classical Sinhalese civilization ( 200 bc-1200 AD) that flourished in the north-central part of the island. 佛教和先进的灌溉系统成为岛上北部中心古典僧伽罗文明(200bc-1200ad)繁荣的支柱。
The excavation work will focus on a 200-sq m patch in the north-central part of the No 1 pit, the largest among three pits at the site. 据悉,挖掘工作主要集中在秦始皇陵3个俑坑中最大的一号坑中北部,面积约为200平米大小的区域。
A borough of north-central England northeast of Manchester. 利兹英国英格兰中北部城市,在曼彻斯特的东北部。
A community of north-central Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore. Population, 19,314. 马里兰州中北部的一个社区,巴尔的摩的郊区。人口19314。
A town of north-central Rhode island, a manufacturing suburb of providence. population, 24907. 约翰斯顿罗得岛州中北部城镇,位于普罗维登斯郊区,以制造业为主。人口24907。
Bradford: a borough of north-central England west of Leeds. Its worsted industry dates from the Middle ages. 布拉德福:英国中北部一自治镇,位于里德斯西部。其毛纺工业可追溯至中世纪。
Causal analysis of a heavy rain in North-Central Ji'an City 吉安中北部一次强降雨天气成因分析
But a drought in the north-central United states, meant that not nearly as many butterflies started the return trip. 但美国中北部旱,造成没有那麽多帝王蝶展开返乡之旅。
A landlocked desert republic in north-central Africa; was under French control until 1960. 非洲中北部一个共和国,是一个内陆和沙漠上的国家;直到年都被法国占领。
So some scholars assume they lived somewhere in north-central Europe, where it was cold. 因此,有的学者推测他们生活在中欧北部的寒冷地带。
A historical region of the north-central United States extending from the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to the Great Lakes. 西北地区,旧西北区:美国中北部的历史地区,从俄亥俄和密西西比河延伸到大湖。
A city of north-central France east of paris.its14th-century castle was once a royal residence and later a state prison. population, 42870. 樊尚法国中北部一城市,位于巴黎以东,它的14世纪的城堡曾是皇家居住地,后来成为国家监狱。人口42870。
A city of north-central France, a residential and industrial suburb of Paris. Population, 80,811. 法国中北部城市,巴黎市郊住宅区和近郊工业区。人口80811。
Comparative Study on Large-scale Circulation and Structural Characteristics During Rich and Rare Meiyu Years in North-Central of Zhejiang Province 浙江中北部枯梅年和丰梅年大尺度环流和结构特征差异的对比研究
A city of north-central Colorado, a residential and industrial suburb of Denver on the South Platte River. Population, 29,387. 美国科罗拉多州北部中心的一座城市,是南普拉特河边丹佛城的住宅区及工业郊区。人口29387。
A former kingdom in north-central Europe including present-day northern Germany and Northern poland. 欧洲中北部的以前的一个王国,包括现在的德国北部和波兰北部。
A province in north-central China; formerly part of the Silk Road to Turkistan and India and Persia. 中国中北部的一个省;以前是通往土耳其斯坦、印度和波斯的丝绸之路的门廊。
ICE of University of International Business and Economics is a leading joint college in business administration in north-central China. 中美合作卓越国际学院是华北地区出类拔萃的合作类工商管理本科学院之一。
A city of north-central Colorado, a suburb of Denver. Population, 24,638. 布鲁姆菲尔德:美国科罗拉罗州中北部一城市,丹佛的一个郊区。人口24638。
A city of north-central Italy near the Ligurian Sea north of Leghorn. 意大利中北部城市,濒临利古里亚海,位于里窝那市的北部。
The Research on Low-tech Ecological Design of Rural House in North-central Region of Hunan Province 湖南中北部村镇住宅低技术生态设计研究
Capital and largest city of Hungary; located on the Danube River in north-central Hungary. 匈牙利首都及其最大城市;位于匈牙利的中北部多瑙河岸边。
Large areas of North-Central China have been devastated by the spectacular growth of the local coal industry. 华北-华中的大部地区都被本地的大量煤污染所伤害。