He paid my brother to kill Norton and keep his mouth shut. 他花钱雇我兄弟去杀了诺顿并给了他封口费。
I'll start him on monism if I can. Norton's another monist-only he affirms naught but spirit. 我如果能够,倒想跟他谈谈一元论;诺尔屯也是个一元论者&不过他只肯定精神,对其他的一切都怀疑。
Norton collected the data via OnlineFamily. Norton, the free family safety service offered by the company. 诺顿通过公司提供的免费家庭安全软件服务OnlineFamily.Norton收集数据。
Appears in a brief flashback scene drinking a soda contaminated with Bruce Banners ( Edward Norton) blood. 在布鲁斯班纳(爱德华诺顿饰)的血液污染快闪回忆杀中,他出现了扮演一个喝苏打水的酱油。
New! Norton Pulse Update& provides continuous, non-stop protection against new threats automatically during your subscription period. 新!诺顿脉冲更新提供连续的,非停止保护,防止新的威胁会自动在你的认购期。
We will post an update on the Norton Community Forums when we make the patch available to all customers. 我们将发布一个关于诺顿社区论坛时作出更新补丁提供给所有客户。
Maintain Computer Using Norton System Works 2002 Profession Tool 应用NortonSystemWorks2002专业工具维护和保养计算机
This is Jim Newton, Mr. Norton called me yesterday, but I was out of town. 我是吉姆·顿。昨天诺顿先生给我打电话了,可我当时在外地。
Begging Norton to challenge Ross with a decent pitch. 求诺顿给罗斯一个像样点的挑战。
James Norton is the founding editor of Flak Magazine and the author of Saving General Washington. 詹姆士·纳顿是指责杂志的成立编辑和救华盛顿将军的作者。
He decided on a rematch with Muhammad Ali rather than defending against Ken norton. 他决定跟穆罕默德阿里再次对阵,而不跟肯诺顿进行卫冕赛。
If you're not feeling so bright-leave the black screen with lonely Norton Commander or winking Bill Gates. 如果你不是很亮的感觉-孤独的离开与诺顿指挥官或眨眼盖茨黑屏幕。
The orchestra will be conducted by David norton. 乐队将由戴维诺顿指挥。
Improved Norton Identity Safe& protects your identity when you buy, bank, and browse online. 改进诺顿身份安全-保护您的身份,当你购买,银行,以及网上浏览。
Every week I do a full system scan with Norton Internet Security Professional. 每个星期我完全与诺顿网络安全扫描系统专业。
"They learn how to use resources to get the job done," norton said. “他们学会了使用各种资源来完成工作,”norton说。
The behavioural and psychological impacts of online life are outlined in a report from the security firm Norton. 诺顿公司的一份报告将网络生活在行为及心理方面的影响做了概述。
Visit the Norton Update Center to see if you're eligible for a free update to the2010 products. 访问诺顿更新中心,看看你是一个免费更新到2010年的产品合格。
Norton, W. "Internet Service Providers and Peering." 2000. 网络服务提供者和互联〉2000。
Norton: Pleased to see you reading this. Any favorite passages? 诺顿:很高兴看到你在读它,喜欢哪段?
Andy told me that one of Norton's favourite aphorisms was One hand washes the other. 安迪说,诺顿最喜欢的格言就是,用一只手洗净另外一只手的罪孽。
Samuel Norton? We have a warrant for your arrest! Open up! 塞缪尔.诺顿?我们授权逮捕你,开门!
Norton has reviewed conditions of deposition of the uranium host rocks. 诺顿论述了含铀主岩的沉积条件。
Miss Norton will drive you home. 诺顿小姐会载你回家的。
We had another warden by then, a man named Samuel Norton. 那时我们换了一个典狱长,名叫山姆·诺顿。
Ralph sings, Norton plays "Swanee River" and then "Melancholy Serenade" fast tempo. 拉尔夫唱,诺顿弹《斯旺尼河》,然后用快速弹奏《忧郁的小夜曲》。
B: Norton, you yellow-belly. That's your own shadow. 你这胆小鬼。那是你自己的影子啊!
Miss Emily Norton was no rosebud. 爱米丽诺顿小姐不是玫瑰花蕾!
My name be jane norton, and my address are 9999-c fifth street. 我叫做Janenorton,地址是第五街9999&C。