If you are on the receiving end, be prepared with answers that let the other person know what you think of his or her nosiness with as much poise as you can manage. 如果你是被问到的受害人,那么将一些答案牢记在心准备着,尽可能有风度的让爱管闲事的她或他知道你是怎么看待他们的无礼的。
A desire to know about people or things that do not concern one; nosiness. 想知道与自己无关的人或事情的欲望;爱管闲事。
It must not be robbed of its vitality, irreverence and nosiness, nor its ability to hold the powerful to account. 它充满活力、挑战权威、好打听,能够让权势人物为自己的言行负责,这些特质万万不能被剥夺。
I do not want to be mean to anybody, but his nosiness is really exasperating. 我并不想对任何人耍脾气,但他这么好打听真叫人恼火。