Its nosogenesis and pathology are very complicated. 其发病机制、病理改变较复杂。
Molecular epidemiological studies have shown that some specific human papillomavirus types infection is the chief nosogenesis of cervical carcinoma and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. 分子流行病学明确表明某些特定型别的人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染是浸润性宫颈癌和宫颈上皮内病变的主要致病原因。
Pathogens, nosogenesis, disease symptom and occurrence rule of Banded leaf and Sheath Blight ( BLSB) were analysized; 对玉米纹枯病的病原、病症及发病规律进行了研究分析;
Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer with combined transfer factor and microwave and probe into the common nosogenesis. 目的评价转移因子联合微波治疗复发性口疮的临床疗效,探讨其常见的发病因素。
The irritable bowel syndrome was a kind of colonic functional disorder, study showed the patients of IBS were hypersensitive to some pathogeny, that was not the nosogenesis to healthy one. 肠易激综合徵是一种无明显器质性改变的肠道功能性疾病。
The acne is a kind of disease with complicated nosogenesis, and there are still many obscure points of view about its etiology and treatment in modern medicine. 痤疮是一种着有复杂发病机制的疾病,在现代医学中对于它的病因及治疗仍有许多不同的观点。
The abnormal changes of neurotrophins are one of the nosogenesis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. 局部神经营养因子的异常变化是糖尿病性周围神经病变的发病机制之一。
Preliminary Study of the Basic Research on the Nosogenesis of Cauda Equina Compression 马尾神经压迫损害发病机制的初步研究
AIM: To investigate the incidence of the cervical spondylosis of staffs and their adult family numbers in different genders and ages in universities, and analyze its possible etiological factors and biomechanics nosogenesis. 目的:调查不同性别及年龄段大学教职工和成年家属颈椎病的患病情况,分析其可能的致病因素及生物力学发病机制。
The infection of Human papilloma virus ( HPV) is the main nosogenesis. 目前认为人乳头瘤病毒(HumanPapillomaVirus,HPV)感染是宫颈癌的主要致病原因。
Objective: To explore nosogenesis operative indication and opportunity of normal pressure cranial hydrocephalus. 目的:探讨正常压力性脑积水的发病机理、手术指征及手术时机。
Objective To evaluate nosogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of calculi of prostate. 目的探讨前列腺结石发病机制及其诊断与治疗。
Progress in etiopathogenisis and nosogenesis of multiple sclerosis 多发性硬化的病毒感染及发病机制研究进展
To the catastrophe of the APC gene possess very important significance, it can conduce to the research of tumorous aetiology, nosogenesis and early diagnosis. 检测APC基因突变具有重要的意义,有助于对肿瘤病因学、发病机制及早期诊断的研究。
The situation and nosogenesis of hypertension were described briefly in this paper. The action mechanism and development of antihypertensive drugs were also introduced, especially of the structure-activity relationships, pharmacokinetic properties and main side-effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors ( ACEI). 本文简述了高血压病的现状与致病机理以及各种抗高血压药物的作用机制和研究进展,重点介绍了血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)的构效关系、药代动力学性质以及主要副作用。
A review with 24 references is given on the research results of relations between low selenium and cervical cancer and other factors in recent years, which would provide information for disclosing the geo-epidemiological characters, physiological, biochemical changes and nosogenesis and prevention of cervical cancer. 近年来低硒与宫颈癌的关系及其相关因素的研究,为揭示宫颈癌的地理流行病学特征、生理生化改变及其致癌机理和防治研究提供了信息。
Pathological autoimmune diseases, due to the abnormal activation of autoimmune T and B cell in vivo, are primary nosogenesis of multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis and etc. 自身免疫性疾病的发生与体内自身反应性T/B细胞的异常活化有关。病理性自身免疫应答是多发性硬化、重症肌无力等自身免疫性疾病的主要致病原因。
To summarise the morbidity, nosogenesis, and nursing care of chronic hepatopathy patients developed protein malnutrition. 对慢性肝病病人蛋白质能量营养不良的发生率、发生机制及其护理等进行综述。
Conclusion: The vertebral semi-unsteady and vertebral rotation are important nosogenesis in the vertebral artery cervical spondylosis and the cervical sympathetic, but they are not in the spondylotic radiculopathy. 结论:在椎动脉型颈椎病和交感型颈椎病中椎体半失稳和颈椎旋转是它们发病的一个重要因素,而在神经根型颈椎病中不是发病的重要因素。
Great advance had made about nosogenesis of VAP in recently ten years, it believed that the VAP caused mainly by colonization of bacteria in oropharyngeal and inhale secretion into lower respiratory tract, which it developed to pneumonia. 近十年来对呼吸机相关性肺炎的发病机制研究有了较大的进展,认为VAP的发病主要是由于口咽部细菌繁殖和误吸导致分泌物吸入到下呼吸道,最终发生肺炎。
Objective: To explore the changing concentrations of interleukin-10 ( IL-10) and nitric oxide ( NO) of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients for effects of nosogenesis in diabetic nephropathy. 目的探讨2型糖尿病患者白介素&10(IL-10)、一氧化氮(NO)水平变化在早期糖尿病肾病发病机制中的作用。
The result of the study will provide significant testing data for illuminating nosogenesis of DPV and detecting DPV by PCR in infected duck body. 结果为阐明DPV的致病机理和应用PCR方法检测感染鸭体组织中的DPV提供了重要的实验数据。
Methods The incidence, site, pathogen and nosogenesis of infection in 378 senile patients with COPD were analysed. 方法对378例COPD老年患者进行医院感染临床分析,包括发生率、感染部位、感染病原菌、易感因素。
Viral infection has been considered to play an important role in etiopathogenisis and nosogenesis of multiple sclerosis. 病毒感染在多发性硬化的病因及发病机制中起主要作用。
The nosogenesis in IgA nephropathy is concerned with heredity and functional disorder of immune system. IgA肾病是一种免疫复合物性肾炎,其发生与遗传及机体免疫系统功能紊乱有关。
But now, we still can not clearly understand its nosogenesis, furthermore, the infiltration and invasion of leukemia cells outside the marrow are still the most important reasons for recidivation and the death of patients. 但其发病机制仍不十分清楚,而且髓外浸润和侵袭仍是导致复发和病人死亡的重要原因之一。
The replicative HBV transgenic mice had provide an ideal animal model for the study on nosogenesis of HBV and anti-HBV drugs. 该复制型HBV转基因小鼠模型为研究HBV的发病机制研究以及抗乙肝药物开发研究提供了良好的实验动物模型。
More and more studies have confirmed that the innate immunity function changes of RBCs are involved in the nosogenesis, development and pathology of many diseaes, for instance tumor, autoimmune disorders and hematologic disease. 越来越多的研究证实红细胞天然免疫功能的变化与许多疾病的发生、发展及病理过程有着密切的相关,如肿瘤、自身免疫性疾病、血液病等。
In recent years, the important effect of psychosocial factor in nosogenesis is increasingly realized through brain-gut axis and brain-gut interaction. 近年来心理社会因素借助脑-肠轴(brain-gutaxis)的联系,通过脑-肠互动(brain-gutinteraction)在其发病机制中的重要作用日益被认识[1,2]。
Objective: Epilepsy is a group of common neurological chronic diseases with complicated nosogenesis. 目的癫痫是神经科常见的一组慢性、发作性疾病,其发病机制非常复杂。