In its original application," nocebo "had a very specific meaning in the medical domains of pharmacology, nosology, and etiology. 原意是药理学、疾病分类学、病因学领域中的一个非常特别的意思。
Objective To explore the mortality nosology and years changing trend of the workers in the chemical industry united corporation. 目的探讨化工联合企业职工死亡疾病谱及年代变化趋势,提供化工生产职工卫生保健的科学依据。
Results The changing of the age of the diseases mortality nosology occurred, especially the malignant tumor presented increasing trend. 结果死亡疾病谱年代有变化,尤其恶性肿瘤日渐上升趋势,为其威胁该企业职工生命的病因。
The study involved physiology, nosology, rehabilitation medicine, human engineering and Motion control to learn. 对其的研究与应用涉及生理学,病理学,康复医学,人体工效学和运动控制等学科。