You have to show a notarized marital certificate for your visa application. 你需要为签证申请提供一份公正的结婚证书。
My bank statement has been notarized. 我的银行证明已经公证过了。
Japanese Company is notarized by local court and then appraised by Chinese local consulate. 其它国家的公司由当地法院公证,再由中国驻当地的领事馆鉴定。
You'll have to prepare a lot of documents, and many of them must be notarized. 你们得准备大量凭证,许多还必须公证。
The identification certificate or incorporation certificate and the credit certificate of the investor notarized and attested according to law; 经公证和依法认证的投资者的身份证明文件或注册登记证明及资信证明文件;
Transfer of ownership declaration issued by the seller, notarized and endorsed by the seller's bank. 由卖方发出,经卖方银行认可与公证人确认的所有权转让申明书。
The signed copy reserving you a space will be notarized and then mailed to you. 预约展位的签名原件,公证后会寄给您。
Notarized copy of diploma and transcripts for highest education; 经公证的最高学历成绩单及毕业证书;
End-user certificates need to be forged and notarized. 使用者证件需要伪造和公证。
The notarized evidence of house renting or ownership certificate of the house leased or owned by the applicant or the patron. 经公证的投靠人或者被投靠人的房屋租赁或者产权证明。
Applicants for One-Academic Year and Master's Degrees Scholarships should submit notarized diplomas; and the latter are also required to submit transcripts issued by their schools. 一学年研修生和汉语国际教育专业硕士奖学金申请者须提交经过公证的最高学历证明,汉语国际教育专业硕士申请者还需提交学校的成绩证明。
If Party B requests having the Contract notarized, Party B shall go through the procedures for notarization, and all notarization fees incurred therefrom shall be borne by Party B. 若乙方要求公证本合同,则由乙方办理公证手续,由此而引起的一切公正费用由乙方承担。
The lease of that building was notarized. 契约已经被验证过了。
He got caught when he tried to get the contract notarized. 他是在试着去拿合同证明时被抓的。
Who is a registered trademark portraits, portraits attached a notarized consent of the right to the trademark registration statement as a document. 如注册商标是人物肖像,应附送经过公证的肖像权人同意作为商标注册的声明文件。
If you have several sponsors, photocopy the original form, but note that once these copies are filled out, each one with original writing must be notarized and submitted. 如果你有数字的包管人,请影印包管人填写表格,但是想的起来只要表格填好了(每份都要是原始填写的那份),一定要拿去经过公证才会被接管。
If the certifying documents and title deeds are prepared in foreign language, notarized and verified translations in the Chinese language must be attached thereto. 如果证件、文书是用外国文字书写的,须同时附交经公证和认证的中文译本。
Their original copies and their notarized Chinese or English versions issued by the local Chinese embassy or consulate or the local notary office will be checked at the time of registration. 毕业证书及成绩单必须翻译成中文或英文,并经中国驻所在国使领馆或当地公证机构公证。
Once you have signed and notarized the contract please return it to me. 一旦你已经签署并经公证的合同,请给我回报。
This file is not issued by China's institutions in China, so the notary organ of the file cannot be notarized. 该文件不是由中国的机构签发,因此中国国内的公证机关不能对该文件进行公证。这里只提供原件的复印件作为参考。
The examination and approval organ may require the foreign party to submit a notarized foreign third-party guarantee letter. 审批机关可以要求外方提交经过公证的境外第三者担保书。
Japanese or Korean version needs to be translated into Chinese or English and should be notarized. 日文,韩文材料应附有译文公证件。
The fees includes preparation of POA, which will be notarized at the Consulate of Argentina. 此费用包括办理授权书及递交到阿根廷领事馆公证。
A notarized copy of any college diploma, undergraduate degree or graduate degree granted. 所有获得过的学院学历、大学学位或硕士学位的公证件。
We had to have the signature notarized. 我们得检验这个签名的真实性。
This contract needs to be notarized. 这个合同需要进行公证。
Notarized certificate of kinship and certificate of proof that alien has no lineal relatives outside of China. 经公证的亲属关系证明以及投靠人境外无直系亲属关系证明;
A notarized copy of the highest diploma the applicant has obtained. 申请人曾获得的最高学历的公证件。
Article 21 Notarization of Lottery Draw and Tax Payment According to Law Lottery draws held in sports contests must be notarized. 第二十一条(抽奖公证和依法纳税)在体育竞赛中举行抽奖活动,应当办理公证。
Must FDH employment contracts be notarized by corresponding consulates before immigration department approve FDH employment visas? 入境处批出雇佣工作签证给佣工前,其雇佣合约是否须经由有关的领事馆公证作实?