For answers, the researchers examined samples of notochord cells from adult dogs, with attention to their effect on the regulation of important genes in chondrocytes, or cells found in cartilage. 回答此问题,研究人员检查成年犬的脊索细胞,注意到他们对软骨细胞或软骨内的细胞重要基因表达有调节作用。
When notochord organization is ceaseless and migratory, fiber annulus also increases. 在脊索组织不断迁移时,纤维环亦增大。
Fishlike animals having a notochord rather than a true spinal column. 有脊索但无真正的脊柱鱼类动物。
We also give the computer simulation method of notochord development in the African frog Xenopus Laevis. 本文还介绍了非洲爪蟾脊索器官形成的计算机仿真方法。
Any animal lacking a backbone or notochord; the term is not used as a scientific classification. 缺少脊椎或脊索的动物;该术语不用于科学分类。
A segmental mass of mesoderm in the vertebrate embryo, occurring in pairs along the notochord and developing into muscles and vertebrae. 脊椎动物胚胎中胚层中的体节物质,沿脊索成对出现,后生长成肌肉或脊椎。
It develops anterior to notochord and is separated from itself by the prochordal plate. 基质(分化细胞)在脊索之前发展,并且通过脊索前板基质自身是分离的。
Free-swimming larva of ascidians; they have a tail like a tadpole that contains the notochord. 自由游动的海鞘类幼体;它们有含有脊索的蝌蚪形尾巴。
Intercellular relationship of notochord determination of Xenopus laevis 爪蟾脊索在决定过程中和相邻细胞的关系
Skull-base chordoma is a rare, locally destructive tumor that presumably originates from the remnants of primitive notochord. 颅底脊索瘤是一种较少见的胚胎残余组织肿瘤,呈缓慢浸润性生长。
In contrast, before one and half a year there were chiefly notochord cells in the nucleus pulpous in large-sized crossbreed dogs. 与北京犬相比,大型杂种犬,1岁龄前髓核中主要为脊索细胞,细胞类型与北京犬3月龄相似。
The soft anatomy of conodont shows some soft tissues including eyes, notochord, nerve cord, myomeres and caudal fin. 英国古生物学家们通过牙形石动物的软体解剖学研究,发现眼睛、脊索、神经索、肌肉组织、尾鳍等软组织;
The sheath of notochord is made of collagen fibre and other cell matrix. 脊索鞘是由脊索细胞外面的基质和内部的胶原纤维以及二者之间的间叶细胞组成。
All tumor cells of chondroid chordoma have the same origin of the remnant of embryonic notochord. 2软骨样脊索瘤的瘤细胞属同一起源,即胎儿的脊索残余。
And divided the embryonic development into four main stages: Cleavage, the formation of archenteron notochord and coelomic mesoderm, the formation of embryonic membranes and the organo-genesis; 将胚胎发育主要分为4个时期:卵裂期、原肠脊索与体腔中胚层形成期、胎膜形成期和器官发生期;
After 29-32 h of grafting, the medial wall of DC somite was broken down and migrating mesenchymal cells moved toward notochord and formed sclerotome ( the sclerotome in situ) between myotomes and neural tube as well as notochord. 移植后29~32h,靠近神经管的DC体节向中壁破裂,外迁的间充质细胞在生肌节与神经管和脊索之间,形成生骨节(即原位生骨节)。
Tip cell maturation and aging as the notochord, and notochord cells, regulation and function-related protein expression gradually decreased. 提示随着脊索细胞成熟和老化,与脊索细胞调控和发挥功能相关的蛋白表达量逐渐下降。
The in vivo imaging on zebrafish larva stained by complex ⅲ revealed that the complex could accumulate in the liver or cervicales/ notochord with the variable incubation time and concentration. 结果表明配合物Ⅲ在不同孵育浓度和时间下可以富集于斑马鱼体内的肝脏以及颈部脊索等区域。
It can be inferred that double neural tubes and two sets of somites are probably induced by split notochord. 通过分析推断,轴裂胚胎2条神经管和2套体节的形成可能是由裂开的脊索诱导的。
During the development of the embryo, the cells of the notochord are vacuolated and beneath the notochord is the gut. 随着胚胎发育的进一步进行,脊索细胞开始空泡化,此时肠位于脊索腹面。
Being a vertebrate, the zebrafish has a notochord, blood, heart and vasculature, kidney and optical systems that share many features with corresponding human systems. 斑马鱼属于脊椎动物,其心血管、血液、消化道、肝脏、肾脏以及视觉系统与人类相应系统有许多共同特点。
Proteoglycan and collagen from notochord cells through swelling pressure to resist the mainly compression force. 由脊索细胞分泌的蛋白多糖与胶原组成的网络可以形成肿胀压以抵抗压缩应力。
a flexible rodlike structure that forms the supporting axis of the body in the lowest chordates and lowest vertebrates and in embryos of higher vertebrates