Gregorio, mindful that his famous character wouldn't expect him to accurately render the noumenal world, doesn't fetishize historical verisimilitude. 格利高里奥知道他的著名人物不指望他准确地描述本体世界,没有盲目崇拜历史真实性。
Man belongs not only to the "sensible" world, but also to a world he called "intelligible" or "noumenal". 人不仅属于感知的世界,而且属于一个他称为概念的或本体的世界。
The noumenal model for MFL testing of gas transmission pipeline and the mathematical models for finite element analysis were established. 建立了输气管道漏磁检测的实体模型和有限元分析的数学模型;
I try to analyse Rakhmaninov's piano prelude and it's music connotation basing on social history and noumenal art, and I want to get a academic gist of performance guidance. 笔者试图对拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴前奏曲进行兼顾音乐内涵的社会历史分析和本体艺术分析,并得出指导演奏的理论依据。
How to define the concept of crime in scientific term is the precondition and the basis of the noumenal theory of the criminology. 犯罪学本体理论建设的前提和基础是科学界定犯罪概念。
Basing on analyses of the design and construction no. I of the teaching complex in new campus of Sichuan University, this paper discussed the generation of a new building led by the public space, and its expression through noumenal architectural language. 通过对四川大学新校区第一教学楼设计与建造的剖析,讨论了以公众空间为导向的新建筑生成,以及建筑本体语言的表达。
Image is an important category with key significance in Chinese poem studying and also an important noumenal factor in poetry creation. 意象是中国诗学中的一个具有核心意义的诗学范畴,是诗歌创作中一个十分重要的本体性因素。
Chen Fu-chen is the historian and educationist of modern times. His deep thoughts of noumenal, objective and scientific historiography reflects that his thoughts of historiography are based on the animadversion of the traditional historiography, and also absorbs some elements of western historiography. 近代历史学家、教育家陈黻宸对史学的本体化、客观性和科学性的深入思考,体现了其史学思想在对传统史学的批判基础上,又吸收了一些西方史学元素;
That is, the theory of translated literature, if it is meant to construct a noumenal framework, cannot then be simply placed within the model of ordinary literary introduction or literary principles. 要建立翻译文学的本体理论,就不能简单地将“翻译文学导论”置于一般的文学概论或文学原理的框架结构中。
The contemporary significance of designing aesthetics presents itself in three aspects: to create the noumenal meaning of designing aesthetics by heterogeneous alienation and regard it as the typical token of the contemporary culture; 设计审美的当代意义主要体现在三个层面:由异质间性生成设计审美的本体意义,并以此构成当代文化典型表征;
Summarizing the 20 years experience, We can mainly classify our understanding of the meaning of applied linguistics into three parts: the application of linguistics, the application of language and the combination of language itself and noumenal linguistics with their applications. 20年来,中国关于应用语言学内涵的认识主要可以简要地概括为语言学的应用语言的应用以及语言本体和本体语言学同应用各部分结合三大类。
Calling For the Returning of the Noumenal Study of Chinese Teaching 呼唤语文教育本体研究的回归
Practical metaphysics considers that the true noumenal existence is a human practical activity and his real life. 实践形而上学认为真正的本体性存在是人的实践活动及其创造的现实生活。
The thesis makes a dynamic inspect to the noumenal characteristic, explanatory form and instant context of the life system of the New Literature, which look on the New Literature as the life stream of the New Culture, and using the view of "horizon merge". 本文将中国新文学看成是新文化的生命之流,并运用视界融合的阐释学观点,从本体特征、阐释形态与当下语境对新文学的生命系统进行了动态考察。
Teaching-learning is a man-made being, as the essential presupposition of the study of noumenal problem of teaching-learning. 教学是一种人为的存在,这是教学本体问题研究的基本前设。
The third is the relationship between the noumenal means of dance and assistant stage effects in dance dramas; 三是舞剧本体手段与舞台辅助效应的关系;
Noumenal Analysis on Characteristics in Teaching Activities 教学活动特征的本体论分析
This paper doubted about the relationship between noumenal theory and modern ontology which was published in and showed the author's standpoint. 本文就《传统本体论哲学的终结马克思哲学变革的实质》一文中所涉及的传统本体论和现代存在论的关系问题提出质疑,并发表自己的观点。
: The first principle in Zhu Zi's theory is to establish the noumenal status of Li, which is regarded as the basis of real world and source of value. 朱子学的第一原理是确立理的本体地位,作为现实世界的存在依据和价值真原。
The prerequisite to the noumenal analysis of aesthetic values is to clear out the above mentioned three historical promises. 对于审美价值的本体分析来说,它的前提是首先清理掉上述三种历史的承诺方式。
Liu Xie completed the criticism of noumenal meaning, full of a strong sense of cultural duty, and characteristic of practice oriented culture and speculation. 刘勰所完成的是中国文学的本体意义批评,体现了强烈的文化责任感,具有实践致用型文化的特点和思辨性质。
The Interaction of Noumenal and Non-noumenal Factors In Primitive Buddhism 原始佛教本体和非本体因素的互动
The phenomenon of treason in pictorial photography represented by Adams symbolized the transformation from the state of motley workmanship with less personality to the consciousness of purity, profession and artistic quality of noumenal language. 以亚当斯为代表的画意摄影的叛逆现象,象征了摄影艺术由缺少个性的杂烩技艺状态向本体语言的纯粹性、专业性与艺术性的觉悟。
Humanism coming together with individualism put female body at its noumenal position as human being and made it realize the inherent sense of human liberation. 与个性主义伴随的人道主义思潮将女性身体置于人的本体地位,使其获得了人的解放的本质意义。
The noumenal analysis and basic orientation to university statute are the starting point and basis of this study. This involves the connotation, contents, property of university statute. 对大学章程的本体分析和基本定位是本研究的基础和起点,这涉及到大学章程的内涵、内容、性质等基本问题。
Based on the noumenal analysis on university statute and using the views and methods of value study for reference, this research discusses the meaning of university statute value and analyzes the subject and object of university statute value and the relationship between them. 在对大学章程进行本体分析的基础上,本研究借鉴价值学的观点和方法,对大学章程价值的涵义进行了探讨,对大学章程的价值主体、价值客体及其关系进行了分析。
The noumenal elements of an entity are mutually dependent upon, forming an organic whole, and with the contradiction and unification of the noumenal elements, an entity is endowed with the inner drive for development. 实体的本体要素是相互依赖的,从而形成一个有机的整体,这些本体要素既对立又统一,使得实体具有了发展的内在动力。
Secondly, start with its noumenal characteristics, the ecological errand of long-span public buildings are discussed. This thesis brings forward the concept, characteristics and vista of ecological long-span public buildings. 其次从大空间公共建筑的本体特点入手探讨了它的生态使命,提出大空间公共建筑生态化设计的概念、特性及展望。
Each noumenal element is endowed with their existent meaning or value by its proving the existent meaning or value of the other elements, thus forming a hermeneutic circle. 通过证实其它要素存在的意义或价值,每个本体要素自身才被赋予了存在的意义或价值,这就形成一个阐释圆环。
It is a noumenal aesthetic and phenomenal analysis connecting with the whole cultural background. 这是深人到舞蹈本体和联系整个文化背景的审美分析与现象分析。