The four merry couples, mingled with the sun, the fields, the flowers, the trees, were resplendent. Perspective of the Revolutionary Forces nouvelles In Cao Yu s Early Works; 四对喜洋洋的情侣,嬉游在日光、田野、花丛、树林中,显得光艳照人。试论曹禺早期作品中对革命新生力量的观照&从《雷雨》到《日出》
Perspective of the Revolutionary Forces nouvelles In Cao Yu s Early Works; 试论曹禺早期作品中对革命新生力量的观照&从《雷雨》到《日出》
A Sword of Psychological Realism Penetrating through Social Rea lity& a discussion on the typical shaping of psychological realism in Stefan Zweig's short stories and nouvelles 穿透社会真实的心理现实主义之剑&浅谈茨威格中短篇小说的心理现实主义典型塑造
It has the following features: ( 1) There have appeared great amount of saga novels and nouvelles; 出现了令人瞩目的五大亮丽景观:1.中长篇小说喜获丰收;