He has also written dozens of other novels, novellas, and short stories, generally eschewing contemporary issues in favour of China's tumultuous 20th century history. 他还写了许多其他的长篇、中篇和短篇小说,通常避开当代问题,涉及中国20世纪动荡的历史。
19th-century novellas not quite the hell on earth you expected? 《十九世纪小说史》并不像你想象中的那样?
Seize the Day is one of Saul Bellow's novellas and also the one which has received relatively scant critical attention compared with his other longer novels. 《勿失良辰》是索尔·贝娄的一部中篇小说,同他的其它几部长篇小说相比,评论界对其关注得较少。
Bola o was a writer with tricks up his sleeve, and he distributed his wiles across many genres: novellas, poetry, short stories, essays and the epic 1100-page "2666". 波拉尼奥是一位立意奇颖的作家,他在多种题材上皆有创新,其中包括长篇小说、短篇小说、诗歌、散文,还有那长达1100页、史诗般的。
It looks like the opening for one of those bad novellas. 真像那些粗俗小说的开篇。
Cao Qi qiao is the main character in Records of the Gold Lock, one of the novellas written by Zhang Ai lin who was one of the most famous novelists in the 1940s. 曹七巧是上个世纪四十年代的著名作家张爱玲中篇小说《金锁记》的主要人物。
The author of this article tries to study the features of the time forms appeared in the novellas in 1990s from the point view of the time form. 本文选择了时间形式这个角度,在叙事学的框架内研究90年代中篇小说在时间形式方面的特点。
An exploration of his novellas and short stories from the angle of time correspondence reveals his accurate command of the metamorphosis of the soul of the characters and his subtle and sensitive artistic skills. 从时间契合的视角探析他的中短篇小说,可以感受其对心灵变异的准确把握与细腻敏感的艺术手法。
Everyman, Bible and Steinbeck's Novellas 《每个人》、《圣经》和斯坦贝克的中篇小说
During these 10 years, novellas, which are especially attractive, even become the very important criteria to evaluate writers. 而中篇小说在这十年中的表现尤为抢眼,甚至日益成为评价作家创作水平高低的重要标准。
Therefore, some of her novellas can be fit into the domain of Existentialism in the broad sense. 在这个意义上,可以将魏微的部分小说纳入存在主义的广义范畴。
Many novellas of John Steinbeck are implicitly or explicitly constructed in the context of Everyman, the ancient allegorical play, and Bible. 斯坦贝克的许多小说或隐或显地构建在寓言剧《每个人》和《圣经》的文本框架之内。
With these two novellas as exemplifications of representative initiation stories ( Bildungsroman), this thesis aims to present their generalities and individualities, commonness and difference, as well as the deeper causes. 以这两部小说为例作为成长小说的代表,本文分析了它们的相似点与不同点,以及其成因。
His main achievements are in his novels and short stories ( including some novellas). Lawrence altogether wrote 12 novels. 其主要成就是长篇小说和短篇故事(包括一些中篇小说),共写有12部长篇小说。
From the 1920s, he completed many novellas, novels and short stories, the memoirs and features. He also published a literary criticism and literary theory. 从二十世纪二十年代以来,他完成了多部中篇小说、长篇小说、短篇小说、回忆录和特写,此外他还发表过大量有关文学批评和文艺理论的文章。
Seize the Day, one of his prominent novellas, was singled out by the members of Royal Swedish Academy "as one of the classic works of our time". 《只争朝夕》是贝娄有名的中篇小说,被瑞典皇家学院成员誉为当代一部名著。
As one of the famous Austria authors in the 20th century, Stefan Zweig, whose short stories and novellas are well known to us, produced some biographies that hold an important position in the 20th century biographical creation. 斯蒂芬·茨威格是20世纪奥地利著名作家,他以中短篇小说为我们所熟知,他的传记也在20世纪现代传记中占有一席之地。