CamelCase words are treated specially:'NullPointerException'will return work items that contain this exact term, but also others that contain just'NPE '. CamelCase单词将做特别处理:“NullPointerException”将返回包含这个确切术语的工作物件,但同时还返回仅包含“NPE”的工作物件。
Patent troll is a pejorative term. A more neutral term, and the one that RPX uses, is non-practicing entity, or NPE. 专利流氓这个称呼带有鄙夷的意味,而RPX公司所使用了一个更中性的称谓&非专利实施主体,即NPE。
In exchange for a subscription fee currently paid by some 168 companies, including Google, Verizon, and Samsung it attempts to buy up potentially problematic patents on the open market, before NPEs can get their hands on them. RPX向公司收取会员费,然后赶在NPE动手之前,抢先买下公开市场上对成员公司具有潜在隐患的专利。目前RPX共有约168家客户,其中包括谷歌、威瑞森通信和三星。
NPE suits accounted for 67% of all new patent cases filed last year, and 63% of all new patent defendants, according to the figures RPX shared with Fortune. NPE提起的案件占去年全部专利案件的67%,被告人数为总被告人数的63%。
An NPE is a company that sells no products or services of its own. NPE公司本身不为他人提供任何产品或服务。
Objective to investigate the changes in stress hormones in neurogenic pulmonary edema ( NPE) and explore the clinical value of mild hypothermia therapy for treatment of NPE. 目的了解神经源性肺水肿(NPE)患者应激激素的变化,并进一步探讨亚低温治疗NPE的临床意义。
Neighborhood preserving embedding ( NPE) is a subspace learning algorithm, which has the property of preserving local neighborhood structure on the data manifold. 保持近邻嵌入(NPE)是一种子空间学习方法,具有保持数据流形上局部邻域结构的属性。
If more operating companies follow this model, it could flood the market with patents that IV and other NPEs could buy and assert, possibly ratcheting up the amount of litigation. 如果更多的运作公司都照此模式学着做,对于IV及一些NPE是血腥的,由此可能增加很多诉讼师。
Based on the Neighborhood Preserving Embedding ( NPE) algorithm, a novel dimensionality reduction method called ONPE is proposed. 在邻域保护嵌入算法的基础上,提出了一种新的降维方法-正交邻域保护嵌入算法。
In the analysis subsystem, the problem of GOA, DRC and NPE are investigated emphatically. 在分析子系统中,著重论述图形运算及分析、设计规则检查、网表及参数提取等问题。
Non-personnel expenditure ( NPE) is not only an important criterion of education input, but also the basic safeguard for the development of education. 公用经费是衡量教育投入水平的一个重要指标,也是教育事业发展的基本保证。
Until the early20th century, NPE began to be applied to biological pharmacy and food processing fields with large amounts. 直到20世纪初,NPE技术开始大量应用于生物制药、食品加工等领域。
Adsorption Behavior of NPE on Ordered Mesoporous Carbons NPE在有序介孔炭上的吸附行为研究
The achievements in NPE, such as Public Choice, Collective Activity, Rent-seeking and Bureaucracy, have been applied widely in researches on development. 新政治经济学关于公共选择、集体行动、寻租和官僚的理论成果,在发展问题的研究中得到了广泛应用。
We have shown by example that noise may be useful for this communication, in that it can amplify transmission of deterministic, nonlinear state information as measured by nonlinear prediction error ( NPE). 通过我们的例子我们发现,噪声对这种传递过程中的作用意义重大,在传递过程中噪声可以增强确定性的传递,非线性的状态信息用非线性预测误差(NPE)来度量。
Conclusion In cat ciliary body Cx43 from the direct transportation channels for aqueous materials between PE and NPE. 结论Cx43构成了猫睫状体PE与NPE之间的GJ通道;
Comparison of the non-proliferation event aftershocks with other Nevada Test Site events 不扩散事件(NPE)余震和内华达试验场其他事件的对比
The network program architecture based Winpcap& sock is composed of NPE layer, network layer and application layer. 基于Winpcap&Sock的网络程序架构由NPF层、网络层和应用层组成。
From the time-domain mode-locked master equation, the physical mechanism of nonlinear polarization evolution ( NPE) mode-locking is analyzed in theory and the affects from cavity losses, dispersion, self-phase-modulation, and NPE saturation absorber have been discussed. 从时域锁模方程出发,分析了利用非线性偏振旋转(NPE)效应实现锁模的物理机制,详细讨论了腔体损耗、色散、自相位调制、NPE可饱和吸收体对锁模光纤激光器的影响;
On the Application of 3+ NPE SPD in Electric Design of Intelligent Building 3+NPE模式电涌保护器在智能建筑电气设计中的应用
Nonylphenol is an important raw material and intermediate in fine chemicals realm, its major use is for the manufacture of nonylphenol ethoxylates which is widely used in various branches of industry as non ionic surfactants. 壬基酚(nonylphenol)是精细化工领域中的重要原料和中间体,最主要用途是生产壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚(NPE),这是广泛用于各个行业的非离子表面活性剂。
Conclusion Central histamine, mediated by H_1 receptor, take part in the onset of NPE. 结论:肺毛细血管通透性的改变存在于NPE病理生理过程中;组胺通过中枢H1受体介导参与NPE的发病过程;
Objective To explore the roles of central histamine in the onset of NPE. 目的探讨中枢组织胺与家兔神经源性肺水肿(NPE)发生之间的相关性。
Properties of SAE were compared with nonionic surfactants like primary alcohol ethoxylate ( PAE), nonylphenol ethoxylate ( NPE), and anionic surfactants like dodecyl benzene sulfonate ( LAS) in the report. 文中还将SAE的性能与非离子表面活性剂伯醇乙氧基化物(PAE)、壬基酚乙氧基化物(NPE)及阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸盐(LAS)进行了比较。
The path0geny, clinical diagnosis and treatment of NPE were discussed. 作者对NPE的发病机理、临床特点、治疗方法等进行了探讨。
METHODS: NPE was made with intracisternal injections of fibrinogen and thrombin. 方法:家兔小脑延髓池注射凝血酶和纤维蛋白原复制NPE模型。
Thirdly, the equations of NALM power transmission are amended including the nonlinear polarization evolution ( NPE) induced by nonlinear birefringence at high input power. 分析了强光条件下光纤非线性双折射及引起的偏振演化(NPE)效应,据此对NALM环功率传输特性基本表达式进行了修正。
Relying on the former achievement of the study group, this dissertation mainly completes the programming of High-Speed Serial Interface ( HSSI) in NPE and proves that the interface can work normally by debugging. 在课题组研究的基础上,论文重点完成了网络处理引擎中高速串行接口(HSSI)的编程实现,并且通过调测试验证了该接口正常工作。
The work of talents of NPE is an important part of the work of personnel and talents. 非公有制经济人才工作是人事人才工作的重要组成部分。
We also reveal the relationship between the extension algorithms of LPP and NPE on image matrices: they also provide two different ways to linearly approximate the eigenfunctions of the Laplace Beltrami operator on manifold. 我们还揭示了NPE和LPP在图像矩阵上扩展算法的关系:其实也是对流形上Laplacebeltrami算子特征函数不同的线性逼近。