When the United States fulfills our responsibilities as a nuclear power committed to the NPT, we strengthen our global efforts to ensure that other nations fulfill their responsibilities. 当美国作为致力于遵守《不扩散核武器条约》的核国家履行自己的义务,就会加强我们确保其他国家尽职尽责的全球努力。
And next month in New York, we will join with nations from around the world to strengthen the NPT as the cornerstone of our global efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons even as we pursue greater civil nuclear cooperation. 下月在纽约,我们将联合世界各国,加强《不扩散核武器条约》,使之成为我们在进一步开展民用核能合作的同时在全球防止核武器扩散的基石。
Under the NPT, Iran has the right to peaceful nuclear energy. 根据《不扩散核武器条约》,伊朗有权发展和平用途的核能。
And that is why Iran also stands alone, as the only member of the NPT unable to convince the international community that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes& the only member. 因此,伊朗也陷于孤立,是《不扩散核武器条约》成员中惟一不能让国际社会相信其核计划是用于和平目的的国家惟一的成员。
Iran should fully address the international communitys concern over its nuclear program and fulfill its NPT obligations. 伊应全面解决国际社会对伊核计划的关切,履行《不扩散核武器条约》规定的义务。
The NPT allows nations to develop peaceful uses of nuclear energy-such as power generation, but bars the spread of nuclear weapons. 来自巴基斯坦和印度的高级官员也出席了在悉尼举行的会议。这两个国家都研发了核武器,而且两国都没有签署核不扩散条约。
It is important to enhance the universality, authority and effectiveness of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ( NPT) and ensure strict compliance with the Treaty. 应进一步加强《不扩散核武器条约》的普遍性、权威性和有效性,确保条约得到切实遵守。
Iran has pledged to sign the additional protocol to the NonProliferation Treaty ( NPT) and suspend uranium enrichment under the pressures from all directions. 伊朗在各方压力下,态度软化,同意签署《不扩散核武器条约》附加议定书,暂停浓缩铀计划。
Life If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall npt live in vain; 我若能拯救一颗濒临破碎的心,我将没有虚度此生;
Under the1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ( NPT), the IAEA conducts on-site inspections to ensure that nuclear materials are used only used for peaceful purposes. 1968年,在《防止核武器扩散条约(NPT)》的影响下,国际原子能机构到各核能源国进行检查,确保核能源的安全及和平利用。
Inspections are vital, since the NPT allows countries to come close to having an actual bomb. 由于《不扩散核武器条约》允许各国拥有接近实际的核弹,核查也就至关重要。
India, which developed nuclear weapons in an arms race with Pakistan, is not a signatory of the NPT. 印度在与巴基斯坦的军备竞赛中发展了核武器,它不是核不扩散条约的签约国。
The NPT is both the basis of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and the prerequisite for progress in the nuclear disarmament process. 《不扩散核武器条约》是国际核不扩散体制的基础,也是核裁军进程取得进展的前提条件。
But after China joined the NPT in1992 and the NSG in2004, it reined in such help, at least officially ( some Chinese firms are still involved in illicit nuclear trade with several states). 中国于1992年加入NPT并于2004年加入NSG,此后停止了这些帮助活动,至少在官方上(一些中国公司仍涉及与若干国家进行不法核贸易)。
International treaties such as the NPT cannot distinguish between nations depending on their internal stability and governing ideology. 核不扩散条约等国际条约无法对依赖于国内稳定和控制意识形态的国家加以区别。
Finding itself unable to secure the same exemption from US laws banning nuclear co-operation with non-signatories to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, Pakistan is looking to Beijing to fill the gap. 美国法律禁止美国与没有签署《不扩散核武器条约》(NPT)的国家进行核合作。在发现自己无法像印度一样获得豁免后,巴基斯坦指望北京来填补这一缺口。
The deal between Washington and New Delhi facilitated nuclear co-operation even though India has not signed the NPT. 美国和印度达成了核合作协议,尽管印度尚未签署《核不扩散条约》。
Last week, the UN Security Council backed a resolution calling on all countries to comply with the NPT, refrain from nuclear test explosions and ratify the comprehensive test ban treaty. 上周,联合国安理会通过了一项决议,呼吁所有国家遵守核不扩散条约,限制核实验爆炸,批准全面禁止核试验条约。
The NPT regime has come under strain in recent years with India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea all developing weapons. 核不扩散机制近年来遇到了压力,因为印度、巴基斯坦、以色列和朝鲜都在研发核武器。
And since then, Obama has revised his nuclear policy to state, for the first time, that non-nuclear states that have signed the NPT will never be targets of US nuclear weapons. 从那以后,奥巴马修改了他的核政策,首次规定签署了核不扩散条约的无核国家将永远不会成为美国核武器的目标。
It allows the US to claim the moral high ground in the debate. And it strengthens the country's position in the complex nuclear diplomacy that takes place at the UN since, under the NPT, the nuclear weapons states are obliged to work for disarmament. 既能够让美国在这场辩论中占领道德高地,也使其能够在联合国复杂的核外交中处于更有利的地位&因为根据核不扩散条约,核武国家有义务致力于核裁军。
It was in line with this understanding that China supported the indefinite extension of the NPT. 正是基于这样的认识,中国支持《不扩散核武器条约》的无限期延长。
Mr Barak fears that once fordow is fully equipped Iran will leave the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT). 巴拉克担心一旦福尔多完全整备,伊朗就会退出“不扩散核武器条约”(npt)。
The group's ban on trade with countries that break the non-proliferation rules has been the chief underpinning of the NPT regime. 集团禁绝同违反核不扩散规则的国家进行贸易,这正是核不扩散条约最重要的基础。
The two-week First Session of the Preparatory Committee for the2010 NPT Review Conference opened in Geneva on Monday. 年反核武器扩散条约参考大会预备委员会第一次全体大会将会在周一与日内瓦召开。
The sides confirm that all signatories to the NPT have the right to generate and utilize nuclear energy for peaceful purposes within the framework of the NPT and the International Atomic Energy agency. 各方坚信所有核不扩散条约签字国都有权在核不扩散条约和国际原子能机构框架内,和平发展和利用核能。
Safeguards agreement pursuant to the npt 按照不扩散条约的保障监督协定
The actions of Pyongyang, on top of defiance from Tehran, pose the greatest threat to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT) since it was signed in1968. 除了来自德黑兰的挑衅,平壤此举是对《不扩散核武器条约》(NuclearNon-ProliferationTreaty,NPT)自1968年签署以来的最大威胁。