EndTag ( nsi, name)& Generates end tag for element. endTag(nsi,name)-生成元素的结束标记。
StartTag ( nsi, name)& Generates start tag without attributes. startTag(nsi,name)-生成不带属性的开始标记。
Let me first thank the NSI for the kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements. 首先,我要感谢堪培拉大学国家安全学院的热情邀请和精心安排。
Study of insulin receptor gene exon 8 NSI site polymorphism in aircrew metaboilc syndrome patients 飞行人员代谢综合征患者胰岛素受体第8外显子NsiⅠ位点基因多态性研究
The protein level, NSI value of the above-mentioned soybean protein concentrates, and saponin, isoflavone, total sugar, and protein level of alcohol extracted liquids molasses, were determined. 测定高温豆粕和低温豆粕醇洗浓缩蛋白的蛋白质含量、NSI以及乙醇革取液糖蜜中皂武、异黄酮、总糖、蛋白质含量。
Take marketing company NSI, which last year came up with an idea to send "Joy of Giving" holiday cards to clients, staff and vendors with a link to its seasonal Web site. 就拿营销公司NSI来说。去年该公司想出点子将”赐予的快乐“节日卡片送给客户、员工和销售商。在这些卡片上有一个周期性网站链接。
I know without my supplements it wouldn't be as good. 再没有比NSI这款再好的补钙产品啦。
Study on the effects of the parameters of the extrusion expansion system on the NSI value of cottonseed meal 挤压参数对棉籽粕中NSI影响规律的研究
The results showed that with the increasing of the pH, the NSI of SPC increases quickly, the NSI at pH 12.0 is much higher than that of at pH 7.0. Emulsibility and foaming ability are improved with the increasing of the NSI. 研究结果表明:SPC的NSI(氮溶指数)随pH值升高而增大,在pH12.0时的NSI远高于pH7.0的;乳化性和起泡性随着NSI增大而有一定程度的改善;
Nonlinearity is the key to NSI itself to grow up and perfect itself; 非线性是国家创新系统自我成长和完善的关键;
In this dissertation we discussed device selection and configuration problems confronted in the process of NSI form the angle of network system optimization based on analysis of NP index system. 本文通过对网络性能指标体系的分析,从网络系统优化的角度对网络系统集成过程中的网络设备选型与配置问题进行了研究。
The result shows that the NSI value of the cottonseed meal can be 29.92%, which is near to the result got with the cottonseed without extrusion. 试验结果表明,棉籽粕中NSI的值最高可达29.92%,这与未膨化原料中棉籽的NSI值相差不大。
In these conditions, nitrogen solubility index ( NSI) and degree of hydrolysis ( DH) of hydrolysate are respectively 62.87% and 62.40%. 在此条件下,水解液的氮溶指数(NSI)和水解度(DH)分别为62.87%和62.40%。
NSI was above 90% when the pH in the range of 2-12. The increase of protein concentration, heighten of pH and Na+ both had affirmative effect to the foaming property of rice foaming protein. 大米发泡蛋白在pH2~pH12的范围内氮溶解指数均高于90%。蛋白质浓度的增加、pH值的增大及Na~+离子的存在都对大米发泡蛋白的发泡性有积极影响。
Conclusions This NSI and its assessment standard were of reference significance to develop and establish Chinese NSI system. quick; 结论此套营养筛查表(NSI)及评价标准,对建立和研制适合我国老年营养快速筛查、监测、评价体系,具有一定的参考价值与借鉴意义。
Influence of Different Extruding Conditions on the NSI of Soybean Meal Protein 不同挤压条件对大豆粕蛋白NSI影响规律的研究
Polycrystalline diamond films were fabricated on n-Si substrates by PECVD. 以nSi为衬底,用PECVD方法淀积了多晶金刚石薄膜。
Thevariance in immunity globulin was consistent with that in NSI. 免疫球蛋白与NSI的变化趋势相同。
The regularity of extrusion parameters and NSI were analyzed and the measure difference of defatted and un-defatted rapeseeds was compared. 分析了NSI随各挤压参数的变化而变化规律。同时,比较了脱脂菜粕与末脱脂菜粕NSI测定的差异。
The effects of temperature, pH, ionic strength and ionic variety on the nitrogen solubility ( NSI) of chickpea protein isolate were investigated, and those of pH and ionic strength on emulsifying capacity ( EC) and emulsion stability ( ES) were also studied. 研究各种外部条件如温度、pH、离子强度、离子种类对鹰嘴豆分离蛋白质溶解性的影响以及pH、离子强度对乳化能力及乳化稳定性的影响。
Results All variables related to nutrition status, including age, education, occupation before retired, activities of daily life ( ADL), and health, were estimated by NSI. 结果年龄、文化程度、离退休前职业以及与生活质量相关的日常生活活动能力(ADL)、躯体健康状况等与NSI筛查的营养状况均有不同程度的相关性。
Objective To explore the application value of Nutrition Screening Initiative Checklist ( NSI) in senile nutrition and quality of life study and provide basis for developing and establishing Chinese NSI adapted to our senile citizen. 目的探讨营养筛查表(NSI)在老年营养与生活质量研究的应用价值,为研制和建立适合我国老年人的营养筛查工具提供依据。
Security Strategy of NSI System NSI系统的安全策略
Specific research results are as follows. 1. Various factors impacted on protein meal about the size of NSI are as follows: moisture content of material, rotational speed of screw, diameter of die nozzle, temperature of barrel. 具体研究结果如下:1.各因素对粕蛋白NSI的影响由大到小依次为:物料含水率,螺杆转速,模孔直径,套筒温度。
Job burnout and style-A personality factors are the impact factors of NSI, but not independent risk factors. 其中工作倦怠是锐器伤的影响因素,存在相关性,但不是独立的危险因素。
We build a dynamic model of NSI after MNCs embedding to study the evolution mechanism and the policy effects. 本文构建了跨国公司嵌入后国家创新系统的动力学模型,研究国家创新系统国际化的演进机制与政策效果。
While a minority of low temperature pressing production of peanut oil defatted peanut powder, containing a higher protein, soluble nitrogen index ( NSI) is very high, it can be used in food additives. 但对于另外一种低温压榨工艺来说,却产生了相反的效果,其脱脂后的花生粉,除同样含有较高的蛋白质外,其可溶性氮指数(NSI)也很高,可应用于食品添加剂。
Nurses experienced NSI have widespread varying degrees of psychological problems such as fear, anxiety and other problems. 锐器伤后普遍存在程度不等的担心、焦虑等心理问题。