Synthesis and Property Study of Inorganic-organic Compound on the Basis of Ag and Ligand Containing NSO 基于NSO配体及含Ag无机&有机杂化化合物的合成及性质研究
Effect of short-day treatment on NSO and SSR of indica rice was lest in 6 leaf age for 10 days. 6叶龄20d短日照处理对籼稻品种南农大的穗粒数和结实率的影响最小。
Characteristics of NSO's compounds in sediment and their geochemical significance 沉积物中NSO杂环芳烃的分布特征及其地球化学意义
The Research of the Exterior Restrictions to the S& M NSO Enterprises 中小民营企业的外部约束研究
Feature and Evolution of NSO Component in Spiral Algae& Study on the Formation Mechanism of Immature Oil 螺旋藻的非烃组成特征及其演化&未成熟石油形成机理探索
The nonequilibrium statistical operator ( NSO) of the system is constructed and a series of macroscopic equations for its particle number, momentum, energy, force aad entropy etc. are derived. 构成了此体系的非平衡统计算符,进而导出其粒子数、动量、能量、力和熵等一系列宏观方程。
Methods: Calvaria of newborn mice were cultured, and then exposed to ASON, nonsense oligonucleotide ( NSO), IL 6 and IL 6 plus ASON. Calcium concentration of supernatant was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. 方法:采用器官培养法培养新生的小鼠颅盖骨,并分别用ASON、无义寡核苷酸(NSO)、IL6或ASON与IL6联合处理颅盖骨,未加药组为对照。
With increasing thermal evolution, the relative content of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons increases whereas that of NSO compounds and asphaltenes decreases rapidly. 随热演化程度增高,烃类增加,非烃和沥青质急剧减少。
The absorption index was not varied after the treatment with NSO. NSO对骨吸收指数无影响。
The Application of SnSO_4 in the Determination of Phosphorus with Molybdenum Blue Photometry SnSO4在钼兰光度法测定磷中的应用
NSO has established a new social management model through successful integrations of social resources. 新社会组织通过对社会资源进行有机整合,开创了一种全新的社会管理模式。