Don't forget to say greeting to nucle Wang. 见到王伯伯不要忘记问好。
TEM illustrated ultrastructural features of apoptotic SMC: nucle ar and cytoplasm condensation, and the condensed chromatin formed crescents. 透射电镜下凋亡细胞表现为胞浆浓缩,染色质浓缩成团,边聚于核膜形成新月体。
Distribution and analysis of proliferating cell nucle-ar antigen ( PCNA) in normal, benign, premalignant and malignant lesions of cheek mucosa 增殖性细胞核抗原(PCNA)在正常、良性、癌前病变及癌变状态下口腔颊部粘膜上皮中的分布
Different estimators for the mean free pathes of secondary particles in nucle-ar track emulsion are derived and discussed with respect to their special characteristics using statistical calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. 本文利用统计方法及MonteCarlo模拟讨论了在原子核乳胶中次级粒子平均自由程的不同估计。
We have found the following three points: ( 1) There is no acceleration stage in initial preiod of polymerization, i. e., no nucle-ation stage. 发现该体系种子乳液聚合具有下述3个特点:(1)在聚合初期不存在加速阶段,即没有成核阶段;