The principle of numerus clausus is the main principle in sachenrecht, including typenzwang and typenfixierung. 物权法定是物权法的基本原则之一,它包括类型强制和类型固定。
Reflections on the Logic and Value of the Doctrine of Numerus of Right Over Things& A Review of Relevant Legislative Train of Thought and Some Personal Suggestion for Legislation 对物权法定主义的逻辑和价值反思&兼评有关立法思路和立法建议
The doctrine of numerus is the most important doctrine of the traditional rights over things, it mainly means the kind and content of the real right are stipulated directly by the law. 物权法定原则是物权法制度中的一项重要原则,主要是指物权的种类和内容由法律直接规定,当事人不能自由创设,也不能变更。
Basic rights of things should follow the doctrine of numerus while functional rights of things may be freely created by parties. 在法律上,对于基础性物权应当坚持物权法定主义,而功能性物权则可由当事人自由创设。
The Doctrine of Numerus On the Christian Humanism 基督教人道主义评析
The Doctrine of Numerus 物权法定主义:在自由与强制之间
Numerus clauses is a fundamental principle of property right laws of mainland law system. 物权法定原则是大陆法系国家物权法的基本原则之一,在物权法领域居于重要的地位。
Thus, on the basis of committing to numerus clauses principle, we need to perfect the principle by relativization to meet social and economic development. 因此,在坚持物权法定原则的基础上,需要通过相对化的方法其进行完善,使其更好地适应社会经济发展。