Objective In order to know the nutriture of neoplasm patients receiving radiotherapy and give nutritional guidance properly, we make the following survey. 目的为了解接受放疗肿瘤病人的营养状况,以有的放矢地给予营养指导,我们进行了接受放疗肿瘤病人的营养调查。
Effect of chromium nutriture on body weight and serum hormone in Wistar rats 铬营养状况对Wistar大鼠体重及血清激素水平的影响
Objective To investigate the differences in the nutriture of vitamins and the level in knowledge about vitamins among students in Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, and to provide a basis for adjusting dietary pattern of college students. 目的了解广东药学院学生维生素的营养状况及维生素知识水平的差异,为调整大学生的膳食结构提供依据。
The Urea Dynamics Applied to Evaluate the Degree of Persistent Sufficiency and Nutriture of the Survival Patients with Hemodialysis 应用尿素动力学评价维持性血透患者透析充分性和营养状态
The author introduced the nutrition and health function, source, main nutriture and effect constituent of several Korean traditional fermented food stressed on the pungent cabbage. 以朝鲜族辣白菜为重点,介绍了几种朝鲜族传统发酵食品的营养保健功能及其来源、主要营养成分和功效成分。
Feeding patterns and zinc and copper nutriture of infants from 1 to 3 months 喂养方式与1~3月龄婴儿血清锌铜含量的观察
Influence of swallowing abnormality on the nutriture and the neurological rehabilitation following acute stroke 吞咽障碍对急性脑卒中患者营养及神经康复的影响
The effects of glutamine peptide on the rehabilitation of neurological deficit may be result from altering immune functions, preventing nutriture deterioration and infectious complication in secondary acute stroke. 谷氨酰胺可能通过增强机体的抵抗力,预防感染性并发症的发生,减轻营养状况的恶化,最终达到促进神经功能康复的效应。
Conclusion The implanted foreign tissue for treatment of RP patients may improve the retina-choroid blood circulation, thus improving the nutriture of retino-choroid. 结论异体组织埋藏法治疗RP可以改善视网膜-脉络膜血液循环,从而改善视网膜-脉络膜营养状态。
In order to find out the present nutriture and its distribution features of students from 7 to 18 years old in Tianjin, the authors measured the students body height and weight, and evaluated the status by the statural standard weight value. 为了了解天津市7~18岁中小学生目前营养状况及分布特征,采用身高、体重测量,并用身高标准体重进行评价的方法进行了调查。
The relation between SC and zinc nutriture deserves further study. 胆固醇与锌营养之间的关系值得进一步研究。
Conclusions Riboflavin nutriture of pupils in this study was unsatisfactory, especially those of rural pupils. 结论(1)所调查儿童核黄素营养状况较差,农村儿童尤为明显;
Methods: the nutriture survey in society and nutrient determination in lab were equally used. 方法:采用营养状况调查和实验室检测等方法对宁夏农村哺乳期妇女及婴幼儿进行抽样研究。
The Zinc Nutriture of Teenagers in Wuhan 武汉市青少年锌的营养状况
Conclusion The three zinc indices were no correlation obviously and oral zinc preparation can be improved for zinc nutriture of children. Excessive zinc supplementary treatment was a important problem, specially in school children. 结论各锌指标之间无明显相关性,口服锌剂能有效改善儿童锌营养状况,但必须注意补锌过量问题,尤其是年长儿童。
Evaluation of Vitamin C and Iron Nutriture of Students in a College 大学生维生素C及铁营养状况评价
Moreover, it was found that the herbs had the effects for promoting hairs growth, improving nutriture and reinforcing body resistance, which embodied the superiority of TCM comprehensive effect. 中药还可促进实验动物个体生长发育,改善营养状况,提高抗病能力,体现了中医中药的综合性疗效的优势。
Effect of nutriture on the rehabilitation following acute stroke 营养状况对急性脑卒中康复影响研究作用
Zinc metabolic pool size& a reliable index for the assessment of zinc nutriture 锌代谢池&判断人体锌营养状况的可靠指标
Survey and analysis on the dietary patterns and nutriture of urban women in four cities including Beijing 北京等四城市妇女膳食结构及营养状况调查与分析
Methods The nutritive conditions of patients with COPD in the stationary stage were evaluated, and recipes were made out according to patients 'age, case history, pulmonary functions, digestive functions, dietary habits and individual nutriture. 方法对60例COPD稳定期病人的营养状况进行评估,并根据病人年龄、病史、肺功能、消化功能、饮食习惯和个体营养状况制定食谱,并由营养师监督实施。
Study on the indices of zinc nutriture in preschool children 儿童锌营养评价指标的研究
It was shown that zinc metabolic pool size could correctly reflect zinc nutriture. 结果表明,锌代谢池能正确地反映人体的锌营养状况。
In China, the nutriture of high school students is not optimistic. There is also no specific guidance documents for the nutrition education curriculum, nutrition education integrated into other courses are mostly conducted, and the implementation is not very satisfactory. 我国高中学生的营养状况不容乐观,有关于营养教育的课程也没有专门的指导性文件,营养教育大多被整合到其他课程中进行,且开展情况不很理想。