The diffusing regularity of Ceroplastes japonicus ′ s 1~ ( st) instar nympha was studied by fuzzy cluster analysis, using average density, aggregation index and the ratio of quadrats with worms as cluster factors. 以平均密度、聚集度指标(mm)和有虫样方比率为聚类因子,对日本龟蜡蚧1龄若虫的扩散规律进行了模糊聚类分析。
They overwintered in 3-4 instar nympha in the soil, root of wheat, stubble, fallen leaves, weeds and other places. 该虫以3-4龄若虫在土壤、稻茬、小麦根部、枯枝、杂草等场所越冬,3月份温度升高后越冬代若虫开始活动。
The nympha always occurs together with the young shoot stages. There are two peaks of the nympha amount in a year. 若虫发生总是与新梢抽发期紧密相连,一年有两个高峰期,第一高峰期主要为害春梢和早发的夏梢,第二高峰期主要为害秋梢。
We have successively reared the mite for 3 generations using this method. The egg hatching rate and survival of larvae and nympha were all above 90%. 用马铃薯薄片法在室内已连续饲养3代,卵孵化率、幼螨、若螨存活率均超过90%,该方法可用于室内大量饲养刺足根螨。