The Philippine populations are almost brachypterous, however, the bracheypterous ratio of BPH males raise with the increase of nymphal density. 菲律宾热带种群雌虫在不同密度下均为短翅型,而雄虫的短翅率随密度增加而上升。
The Zhejiang populations show low brachypterous ratios and have a negative correlation with nymphal density, belonging to the temperate type. 迁入地的浙江各种群属温带型,其雌虫短翅率低且与密度呈显著负相关;
The significantly negative relationship between female brachypterous rate and nymphal density in Zhejiang population showed a lower tolerance to high nymphal density of Zhejiang population than that of Guangxi and Yunnan populations. 广西和云南种群较能适应高密度环境,而浙江种群的适应性较差,其雌虫短翅率与若虫密度呈显著负相关。
No diapause is observed in egg, larval and nymphal stages of these ticks. 2种硬蜱的卵、幼虫及若虫期均无滞育现象。
Nymphal survival rate of different BPH biotypes had a negative correlation with nymphal density. 不同生物型的若虫存活率均与密度呈负相关,即随着密度上升,存活率下降。
Effects of nymphal density and rice growth stage on nymphal development, survival rate and wing dimorphism of different rice brown planthopper biotypes 若虫密度和水稻生育期对稻褐飞虱不同生物型若虫历期、存活及翅型分化的影响
While nymphal duration of male bugs was 11.2d, 11.3d and 11. 2d respectively, showed no significant difference within these three kinds of diets. 若虫发育至雄成虫的历期分别为11.2d、11.3d和11.2d,差异不显著;
Spatial Distribution Pattern of Larch Aphids in Nymphal Stage and Sampling Technique 落叶松球蚜若虫期空间分布型及抽样技术
Effect of photoperiods and temperature on nymphal instars. 光周期、温度对若虫龄数发育的影响。
Concomitant with the increase of dose, nymphal mortality rate rose in all groups. The dose 10 μ g ( 7-PE and 10-PE) caused 100% mortality. 随着剂量增加,若虫死亡率上升,剂量10μg(7-PE和10-PE)处理导致所有个体死亡。
This indicates that there is a close relationship between species divergence, nymphal morphology derivation and microhabitat. 形态各异的不同种类蜉蝣稚虫生活在不同的小环境,表明种类演化和形态变化与环境有密切关系。
When we apply'Mie Jie Ling'at1 age nymphal stage, 2 age nymphal initial stage of scale louse, its results will improve greatly. 掌握在蚧虫1龄若虫、2龄若虫初喷药,可大大提高“灭蚧灵”的杀虫效果。
Photoperiodism is one of the most important phenomena implicated in the control of seasonal development and life cycles in insects living in the temperate climatic zone because photoperiod influences the nymphal development and the number of nymphal instar. 光周期对分布于温带地区的蟋蟀季节发育、保证完整的生活史起着重要的作用,不仅影响若虫的发育速率,诱导卵滞育的产生,而且对若虫龄数也起着调控作用。