The currency conversion differences, currency conversion codes O and P are calculated. 计算货币转换差异、货币转换码O和P。
Click Browse o/ p to locate your output file. 单击Browseo/p找到输出文件。
The Role of A p o p tosis gene in Drug Resistant Cell Lines 凋亡基因在肿瘤耐药中的作用
The results showed that p o p ulation doubling time of cells was 24 h; 结果表明,该细胞系的群体倍增时间(PDT)为24h;
The XPS analysis shows the film includes such elements as zirconium, oxygen, carbon and phosphor etc. XPS分析表明膜层中含有Zr、C、O、P等元素;
Recent progresses on O/ P material based photonic devices and technologies, were surveyed, it included the application prospect of EO modulators in variety of industries, like CATV, high bitrate network, phased array system, parallel interconnection in computer systems, and so on; 调研了有机/聚合物光电子学器件在制备技术和应用方面的近期进展。其中包括:电光调制器在CATV、高比特网络、相阵列系统、计算机系统的平行互连等工业领域的应用前景等。
The paper introduces four indivisible continuums, where Ω and Π are standard, O and p are nonstandard. 本文共介绍了四个不可分割的连续统,其中和是标准的,和p是非标准的。
At least, partial O/ P material based devices include modulator, now are or soon will be practical hardwares for information highway industry. 至少部分聚合物器件包括电光调制器,现在已经是或即将成为信息高速公路工业中实际可用的硬件。
The content of Al-P and O-P increases. Al-P、O-P含量增加。
The total output of o/ p nitrochlorobenzene was 0 43 million t/ a in the world with 0 33 million t/ a output was produced in China. 世界对/邻硝基氯苯的产量约为43万t/a,其中我国产量约为33万t/a。
The effect of rolling condition and O/ P value of phenolic resin on the curing time and flowability of phenolic resin for injection molding was studied. 考察了辊压工艺及酚醛树脂的邻对位比值(O/P)对酚醛注塑料的成型时间及流动性的影响。
Human liver Gase specifically hydrolyzed organophosphorus compounds bearing P F bond ( soman), however it did not catalyze the hydrolysis of compounds with P O, P C or P S bonding. 人肝G酶专一性地水解带P-F键的有机磷化合物梭曼,但不催化带P-O,P-C或P-S键的有机磷化合物的反应。
While the pillared saponite is calcinated the linkage mode of pillar with layer is Si O Al_p by means of hydroxy groups condensation with the breaking of Al O bond. 交联皂石在焙烧过程中,伴随着层上AlO键的断裂,铝柱与层通过羟基缩合以SiOAlp方式联结;
, The research makes clear that there are more substitutes for S, N, O, P in the high vicious heavy oil. 表明高粘度稠油中S、N、O、P等杂原子的取代程度高。
In general, the contents of total inorganic phosphorus, non O-P and available P were higher in the surface soil than in the subsoil, but the content of O-P was lower in the former soil than in the latter. 一般来说,土壤表层的无机磷总量、非OP和有效磷都高于心土层,而表层OP含量则低于下层。
In 60 sets of maps, we found. ( 1) P-O and P-N overlapping did not occur in most cases ( 46, 40 in each); 在计60次实验中:(1)PO、PN多数并不重叠(分别为46次和40次);
N positron emission nuclide is produced by 16 O ( p,α) 13 N reaction in a small volume 16 O H 2O target. 利用16O(p,α)13N核反应,以小体积16O-H2O靶生产13N正电子核素。
We obtain a complete and compact expression for f ρππ( p 2) ( up to O ( p ∞)), from which an important non-perturbative conclusion is drawn from convergence and unitarity consideration. 由此得到了fρππ(p2)直到O(p∞)的完整表达式,并基于收敛性条件和么正性条件给出了一个重要的非微扰结论。
Structures and pharmacological activities of beesiosides O and P 铁破锣皂苷O和P的结构及其药理活性
Universality in content, not only all countries which have anti monopoly law have anti monopoly exception system, but every main part in a n t I m o n o p o I y law have exceptions. 内容普遍性。不仅制定了反垄断法的国家都规定有适用除外制度,而且在反垄断法的垄断控制制度的主要方面均有适用除外的内容。
Study on the P(?) O and P(?) N Chelated Pd(ⅱ) Complexes Catalyzed Suzuki Cross-coupling Reaction: Synthesis of TFT-LCs P(?)O、P(?)N螯合钯配合物催化Suzuki交叉偶联反应的研究:TFT用液晶化合物的合成
O ( p)-Nitrophenyl methyl ether is an important chemical raw material for production of dyestuff, pharmaceutical and food additive. 邻(对)硝基苯甲醚是十分重要的化工原料,用于制备多种染料、医药和食品添加剂。
Abstract The measurement of rock compacting is theoretically based on Terzaghi Equation, which takes incorrectly the difference of P o and P I as net confining pressure. 岩石压缩系数的常规测量方法是以Terzaghi方程为理论基础的。该理论将外压与内压的差值作为净围压是不妥当的,主要原因是没有考虑孔隙度的影响。
As RIP is not fit for the severe change in network environment, this paper analyses the character of OSPF. 针对RIP路由信息协议不能适用于变化剧烈的网络环境,分析了开放最短路径优先协议OSPF的特点;