Saudi Arabia consists mostly of semi-desert and desert with oases. 沙特阿拉伯地形主要由半沙漠和沙漠绿洲组成。
Berber is spoken in a few settlements in the oases of the western desert. 在西部沙漠绿洲的几个居住地的人使用柏柏尔语。
So these oases are more than just a pretty place. 所以这些绿洲不仅只是个美丽的地方,也是个健身的好去处。
You wouldn't know it, but they're up there& those turquoise oases, invisible to those of us who cope each day with sour summer smells, sweltering subway platforms and scorching sidewalks. 你可能不知道,但它们就在上面&那些蓝绿色的绿洲。我们这些每天忍受着夏天的酸腐味、闷热的地铁站台和灼热的人行道的人是看不见的。
Due to the small area of oases, however, they did not have enough products and had to be supplied by businessmen passing through. 但由于绿地面积小,物产不多,他们还要靠往来商旅对所需物资的补给;
No Oases for Saudi Youths 对沙特阿拉伯青年而言,这并不是绿洲
The vibrating movements and the sonorous songs through the whole dance remind people of the hard efforts made by the Uygur people in fighting against draught and in developing new oases. 那贯穿全舞微颤的动律,高亢而近似呐喊的歌声,使人们不禁联想到多朗人战胜干旱,在沙漠边缘开辟绿洲时艰苦奋斗的情景。
The stage of the semi-artificially-controlled stream systems that were strongly influenced by human activities, the old oases were formed in the piedmont zones and the paleo-oases in the lower reaches began to decline; 受到人类较强干扰的半人工水系时期,在山前地带形成旧绿洲,下游古代绿洲衰亡;
Experimental Study of the Snow Evaporation in Desert and Oases of Junggar Basin, Xinjiang 准噶尔盆地沙漠-绿洲雪面蒸发实验研究
Water Resources Utilization and Negative Eco-Environment Effect at the South Edge Oases of Taklimakan Desert 塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘水资源开发与绿洲生态环境负效应
Effect of different irrigation amounts on alfalfa yield Research on the Relationship between Irrigation Water Price and Irrigation Water in Drought Oases 不同灌溉量对紫花苜蓿产量影响的对比干旱绿洲区灌溉水价与灌溉用水量关系研究
Experimental studies on high-yield cluster cultivation of cotton in the Hexi Corridor oases of northwestern China 河西走廊绿洲棉花集群高产栽培试验研究
These results are helpful for understanding of water consumption in oases of arid region and implementation of water resources deployment. 深化了绿洲耗水的认识并为绿洲水资源配置提供依据。
Where underground water comes to the surface, there are oases. 地下水流到地表的地方,就成为了绿洲。
The Urban and Rural Mutual New Dynamic Situation of Xinjiang Oases under the Main Function Oriented Zone Policy 主体功能区政策下的新疆绿洲城乡互动新格局
Their lives could have become great oases, but they remain deserts. 他们的生命本可以成为大大的绿洲,但是他们停留为沙漠。
Effect of non-tillage with straw mulch on wind erosion in irrigated oases of Hexi Corridor Biomass dynamics of every stubble of spring-sowed alfalfa in the loess plateau of Longdong 河西绿洲灌区春小麦留茬免耕的防风蚀效应研究陇东黄土高原春播紫花苜蓿不同茬次生物量动态研究
Hutong that still exist are like oases of calm surrounded by the noisy city. 今天的胡同如同喧嚣城市中安静的绿洲。
The oases are located along the foot of the mountains in linear, fan-shaped and radial patterns and linked to each other from north to south in Xinjiang through road systems. 天山南北的绿洲城镇以天山为轴对称,分布图案似一副向西张开的弓箭。
Oases environed By the desert; 沙漠包围着的绿洲;
Intensive agriculture [ farming] Multi-mature, Intensive and High Efficient Plantation of Agricultural Eco-economic System in Oases in Xinjiang 密集[集约]农业试论新疆绿洲农业生态经济系统的多熟、集约、高效种植
The silk road coming from the west split to follow the northern and southern borders of the desert where there were many small oases. 丝绸之路从西部分裂成南北两路,与沙漠接壤,那里有很多小型绿洲。
Between the mid-18th and the mid-19th century, through unfailing efforts on the part of the Qing government, farming oases expanded rapidly and agricultural communities increased at a great rate. 18世纪中叶至19世纪中叶,在清政府的努力经营下,农业绿洲迅速扩展,农业聚落迅速增多;
Application Design of Agriculture Planting Area Saving Irrigation Technology Touring; Research on the Relationship between Irrigation Water Price and Irrigation Water in Drought Oases 观光农业园区节水灌溉技术的应用设计干旱绿洲区灌溉水价与灌溉用水量关系研究
There was a hundred miles between the two oases. 这两片绿洲间有一百英里。
But they didn't tell you there are also dewy oases in Ili. 就是没告诉你还有像伊犁这么湿润的绿洲。
Conquest of Naqada gave King Scorpion control not only of the Nile, but of crucial roads leading east to the Red Sea and west to the oases of the western desert. 对那卡达的征服使蝎子王不仅控制了尼罗河,并且控制了西至红海、东达西部沙漠绿洲的交通要道。
Study of How to Assess the Performance of the Grain for Green Project in Oases of Arid Regions: A Case Study in Zhangye Municipality 干旱区绿洲退耕还林工程绩效评价研究&以张掖市为例
Oases in Hexi Corridor was taken as examples for studying the forest coverage of oases in arid sandy area. 以甘肃河西走廊绿洲为例,就干旱风沙区绿洲森林覆盖率进行了研究。
Oases form under desert environment in arid areas. 绿洲是伴随干旱区荒漠环境的形成而形成的。