And it will prohibit insurance companies from limiting a patients 'access to their preferred primary care provider, ob-gyn, or emergency room care. 而且将禁止保险公司限制病人自己选择他们喜欢的主治医师,妇产医生或是急诊护理。
Nina Douglass, a social worker in the ob-gyn clinic, worries about patients with abusive partners. 妇科门诊部的社工尼娜·道格拉斯(NinaDouglass)担心,有些患者的伴侣言语恶毒。
Why don't you think she was an ob-gyn? 你是怎么知道她不是个妇产科医生?
Forum on Contraception-membership only for the licensed OB-GYN community. 为得到许可的妇产科团体提供的论坛。
And I'm thinking we can cross off the ob-gyn. 妇产科的我看就不用考虑了。
They're training in OB-GYN, in family practice, internal medicine, emergency medicine, even pediatrics. 他们在接受妇产科护理,大众医疗,内科医学,紧急医学,甚至小儿科的训练。
Her OB-GYN gave her static for trying the herbal remedy black cohosh to deal with menopausal hot flashes. 她的妇产科医生反对她尝试用黑升麻治疗更年期的潮热症状。