Same thing you people were thinking when you armed Saddam, trained OBL, and you know the rest. 这就同那时你们武装了萨达姆,训练了本拉登一样情况,接下来的事你自己考虑吧。
Object: To investigate the regulation of OBL on lipid and its mechanism in hyperlipidemic rats. 目的:探讨新疆罗勒提取物(OBL)对实验性高血脂模型大鼠的调脂作用及作用机制。
Compared with the control group, mouse pow swollen induced by carrageenan and the model of mouse granulation were decreased significantly ( p0.001). 与空白对照组相比,OBL不同提取物对角叉菜胶所致小鼠足肿胀及小鼠棉球肉芽肿的形成有显著的抑制作用(P0.001)。