Many conservative Russians hold that Valentine's Day makes no good on youngsters 'spiritual and moral development. So the government of Belgorodskaya Oblast announced in 2011 that the festival could not be celebrated in any form of activities. 很多保守派的俄罗斯人认为,情人节对青少年的精神和道德培养无益,该国别尔哥罗德省于2011年宣布,禁止举办任何形式的情人节庆祝活动。
Originally belong to their respective Krai of the Autonomous Region, in addition to Khabarov the Jewish Autonomous Oblast Krai, the upgrading of the Republic. 原来分属各边疆区的自治州,除哈巴罗夫斯克边疆区的犹太自治州外,升格为共和国。
The Russian established Fergana oblast in Kokand and set up the colonial administration to rule there. 俄国人在浩罕旧地上成立费尔干纳州,建立起殖民机构来进行统治。
Investigators also say they found an increase in resistance to any antibiotic in Tomsk Oblast in Russia and botswana, while MDR TB decreased in Hong Kong and cuba. 研究人员还提到他们发现博茨瓦纳和俄罗斯的托木斯克州抗所有药物的肺结核病例增多的情况,但在香港和古巴有所减少。
Topography Maps of each Ukrainian Oblast ( Province) have been digitized. 每一个乌克兰的州的地形地图均已被数字化。
The following season, he opted to boost his credentials with Saturn Moscow Oblast in Russia, before celebrating a triumphant return to Artmedia with the Slovakian league title a year after. 接下来的一个赛季,也就是在一年后庆祝成功回到斯洛伐克联赛率领阿尔特梅贾夺冠之前,他选择到莫斯科土星队去提高自己的教练证书的水平。